Theatre Essays

The beginnings of Greek theatre have been found to have started in the 6th century B.C. Even though this was a long time ago, we still clearly see its effects today in modern dramas. Little is known about early Greek theatre because not much information has survived the centuries. Over …
Grotowski’s work on a ‘Holy theatre’ with his Theatre Laboratory took place from 1959-70 after which he stopped producing theatrical work to carry out paratheatrical work. The term ‘Holy Theatre’ is focussed on making theatre more like ritual. Actors had to be trained thoroughly, not just rely on inspiration for …
The ancient Greeks held their dramatic shows in open air, but most modern theatres are enclosed buildings. There are a number of similarities, such as the acting area and seating; but some differences, such as raised acting areas. The open-air theatre at Epidauros. It is the most reliable theatre we …
As a performer, I aim to perform Juan in various ways in order to convey my interpretation of him to my audience. I think he would be tall because this would symbolise his high status as a man in a Spanish village in the 1930s and his authority as a …
Introduction Historical context and the understanding of the term “Restoration Literature” The English poetry in the period of the Restoration The English epic Lyrics, pastoral poetry, translations The Restoration of English prose Philosophical writing Religious writing Journalism The Development of drama and theatre during the Restoration Conclusion Bibliography Introduction In …
The posthumous impact of ancient Rome has an unsurpassable influence on the historical background of Elizabethan Theatre. The defining feature of the period is the growth of a modern consciousness, which has another alternative name, ‘Early Modern’. This is not only apparent in the theatre of the late sixteenth and …
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) is considered to be the father of the theatre avant-guard, a new revolutionary style that appeared in the European theatre at the end of the XIX century (a so called fin de siecle) to prosper for a very long time. Provoked by the philosophy of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, …
Susan Glaspell lived in a time where the most evident social issue was the inequality between men and women, and that women greatly relied on men in order to live. Glaspell, as a budding writer and feminist, tried to prove them wrong by writing plays regarding the freedom of women …
Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing a comedy by Kathryn Walat, Theatre Geeks vs. Zombie Cheerleaders performed at Troy High School in Troy, Ohio. The performance space is a typical high school auditorium that has a large stage and abundant seating. This short-play takes place in a high school …
As a third-generation Japanese American, Gotanda is the leading Asian American dramatist. Since the 1970s, Philip Kan Gotanda has been at the center of the Asian American theater movement, creating a body of theatrical work that speaks in the many voices of Japanese America and encompasses a broad spectrum of …
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