Sculpture Essays

In most art of art history, the sculpture of David is based on a biblical story most known as “David vs Goliath” in the book of Samuel. The story of David is about a young shepherd boy from a family of soldiers fighting against a strong giant from an opposing …
Aphrodite of Knidos (Figure 1) was a revolutionary sculpture in terms of Grecian art, as it inspired many artists in the future to attempt to capture Aphrodite’s beauty and sexual ambiguity in the nude. Initially commissioned to be created by Praxiteles for a temple on the island of Kos, the …
Introduction One of the most customary visual arts along with painting and architecture is sculpture which is the art of creating three dimensional works of art. Unlike painting which is basically two dimensional, sculptures fills space in three dimensions including depth, whereas painting only tries to suggest the presence of …
According to powers himself, the statue is a slave being held captive the Turks in the time of the Greek Revolution. the Greek slave, a statue of a naked girl standing naked in chains shows us that there is no room left for shame for shame when one is standing …
Douglas Tilden was born on May 1st, 1860 in Chico, California. At the age of four he lost his hearing due to scarlet fever. His parents wanted him to still have an education so two years later; he was enrolled in the California School for the Deaf which was located …
Bacchus is a marble sculpture approximately 72 ½ inches in height made in around 1497 by one of the High Renaissance masters, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni. The sculpture itself shows two figures, a god and a faun or panisc: a half-man, half-goat figure in Greek culture. It is one …
The Thinker was a sculpture created by Auguste Rodin in 1882. It was originally made of plaster, but other recreations of it are made of bronze. The Thinker was originally part of The Gates of Hell, which represented the poet Dante as he contemplated writing The Divine Comedy. The size …
My Art Appreciation instructor, Dr. Igwe who is preferred to be addressed as Igboman will always say in class that we are all surrounded by art; starting from our parents beautiful houses, our colorful designed clothes, the pen will used in writing, the electronic board in the class or even …
Ozymandias is a poem written by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The poem begins with a chance encounter and explores a theme of Universal truth. Ozymandias was a powerful leader who built alot of buildings in ancient Egypt and because of this he earned the nickname of “the builder”. He was extremely …
When creating the Statuette of Nedjemu, the artist tries to represent the deceased in a manner appropriate for eternity. By using Old Kingdom funerary sculpture conventions, the artist achieves the goal of creating a sculpture suitable for placement in a tomb. The artist who created the Statuette of Nedjemu is …
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