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Ancient Rome Essays

Conflicting Perspectives Joan of Arc and Julius Caesar

Composers use representation as a means of portraying their particular views or perspectives to a targeted audience to stimulate a response, challenge assumptions or rethink certainties. Representation is a statement or account made to influence one’s opinion or action to effect a change. Often composers represent political figures in this …

Refer to Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 2, Act 2 Scene 1 and Act 4 Scene 3

Julius Caesar was one of the most influential political and military leaders in history, and helped establish the vast Roman empire. Caesar’s triumph in a civil war amongst others made him the absolute ruler of Rome, but political jealousies and fears that he would become king among his opponents led …

Guide To The Colosseum and Games of Ancient Rome

As you can see, the Colosseum is huge, and I have no doubt it impresses you. Yet even though it still looks marvelous, it is but a fraction of its former glory. As a result of fires, earthquakes, and plunder, two thirds of the original building has been destroyed. The …

Chariot races of Ancient Rome

Chariot races were one of the main forms of public entertainment in ancient Rome and they were exciting and exhilarating events that drove the crowds of Romans wild. They can be compared to modern day sports in several ways, although I cannot agree that every single aspect we wind enjoyable …

Difference Between Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar are two very important and influential men in the history of the world. Alexander was a Greek king and a military commander of one of the most successful armies in the world during the ancient times. Likewise, Julius Caesar was a military leader and …

The Cultural Impact of the Byzantine Empire

It’s a shame that “Byzantine,” when not used in reference to the Eastern Roman Empire, tends to have a negative connotation. Not only did the Byzantine Empire last for over a thousand years, it reached out so far that countries from Libya to Bulgaria and Slovenia to Egypt can claim …

Ancient Rome: Gladiatorial Games

Promt: What are gladiatorial games tells us about Ancient Rome society? NON- SCIENCE FICTION: HUNGER GAMES OF REAL SOCIETY Roman society which is a complex society remarkably emphasized on gladiatorial games. This popularity of gladiatorial exhibitions reveals some realities about ancient Roman society. One of these realities is that Romans …

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Literary scholars have debated for centuries about the question of who exactly is the protagonist of the William Shakespeare’s play called “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.” The seemingly simple answer to this question would be Julius Caesar himself, after all, the play is named after him and all the events …

Byzantine Empire

1. How did Justinian rule? Was he a benevolent or malevolent ruler, why? 2. When was the zenith of byzantine civilization, why? 3. What were some challenges to the Byzantine Empire? 4. Describe the social and economic characteristics of the Byzantine Empire 5. What were some differences b/w East & …

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