Ancient Greece Essays

Many people forget or undermine the importance of the perioeci and the helots in their study of Sparta, dismissing both groups as only slaves or inferiors that later overthrew the Spartiates. In truth, the perioeci and the helots both played an important role in the economic and military aspects of …
The greatness of Alexander (the Great) is often a much debated question. The importance of such debates is arguably minimal- Alexander was quite clearly a great ruler, possibly the greatest to ever live. A much more disputable question regarding Alexander is that of his cruelty throughout his reign as Macedonian …
Women in Classical Ancient Greece (5th Century BC) held an inferior social position to men. Although they were prominent in the Greek Mythology (Goddess of Wisdom Athena, Goddess of the Hunt Artemis) and writing such as Sophocles’ Antigone (441 BC), the average woman stayed at home, spinning and weaving and …
Alexander governs his administration using techniques of Macedonian and Persian’s. The Persian satrap in Asia enabled Alexander to govern a large amount of territory. In India, he replaced hostile rulers with rulers loyal to him and increased their territory. He used the Macedonia practice of founding cities to encourage loyalty …
1st- A positive aspect of the Spartan Code was the idea to train their young beginning at a young age, by giving power to the state to control the youth. This allowed many of the children to have an equal opportunity in the situation given although they did not have …
Alexander the Great was great in that he conquered and established authority throughout Eurasia at a young age. His military tactics were quite impressive. However, while Alexander the Great founded many cities, he failed at building a lasting empire. After his death, his empire began fall apart. Alexander the Great …
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