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Addiction Essays

Drug: Lithium

Lithium is the first choice of treatment for bipolar disorders and it is indicated that Lithium is effective in the alleviation of manic and depressive episodes. 75-80% of patients who take Lithium as directed show improvement. One patient, on page 177 of the textbook, states that Lithium prevents his “disastrous …

My Experience At An AA Meeting

I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The meeting I attended was on a Monday night at 8:00pm and it was an open lead meeting. It was a very interesting experience for me. I have never been to an AA meeting, so I really didn’t know what to expect. When I …

Harry Frankfurt's "Freedom of the Will and Concept of a person"

In his Freedom of Will and Concept of a Person, Harry Frankfurt asserts that the common philosophical approach to the concept of a person is wrong, as it interferes with his own perception. Frankfurt mentions Strawson’s definition: “the concept of a type of entity such that both predicates ascribing states …

Development Of The Virginia And Massachusetts Colonies

Wealth is powerful when it is obtained by someone, but even more powerful when it is not. When people are striving for riches they tend to put that need above everything else. People will go through all sorts of difficulties and obstacles to make it in life. Striving for wealth …

Broken Homes and Shattered Dreams

A family is a group of people living together and functioning as a single household, usually consisting of parents and their children. There are many types of families such as nuclear and single-parent. When people think of families, they usually think of two parents, one male and one female, and …

Adolf Hitlers Abuse Of Power

The next few paragraphs explain and prove how Hitler abused his power because of his ego, greed, and self centeredness. Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Austria. He lived in Viennia from 1907 to 1913. the young Hitler was a poverty stricken solitary art student dropout. During World War …

Rhetorical uses in "Black Men and Public Space" by Brent Staples

Race has been a word that is associated with many thoughts, words, and emotions for thousands of years. Throughout history, people have judged and mistreated just because they were born in the wrong race. Being under discrimination, there were many writers who struggled for the racial movement and gained many …

Research Paper on MAAD (mothers against drunk driving)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an organization that was founded in 1980 due to the tragic death of a thirteen-year-old year girl in California that was killed by a repeat offender drunk driver. The organization quickly grew larger when the girl’s mother had found out how lenient the laws …

Informative speech outline for communication's class

Thesis: There are physical and social effects of alcohol that are not only detrimental to your own physiological and psychological well being, but also to those you interact with. I. Alcohol is a general term denoting a family of organic chemicals with common properties. Members of this family include ethanol, …

Hugs not Drugs an essay about types of drug use and abuse

Drugs are bad, or at least that’s what they say. I wouldn’t now I’ve never had any drugs… this of course this is not true. I take drugs all the time, truth is, we all do. America is the drug capital of the world; we Americans take them 24/7. They …

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