Addiction Essays

Account No.1: Ashcourt Nursing Home: 81 year old Maria Worroll Maria Worroll, 81, suffers from Alzheimer’s and arthritis, and requires around-the-clock care. “An elderly woman was physically assaulted by a male carer and mistreated by four others in a care home classed ”excellent” by the national regulator, the Care Quality …
Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse: Physical abuse: Physical abuse is when an individual is being physically harmed by the people who are responsible for their care Signs and symptoms of physical abuse: Unexplained bruising, cuts or burns. Unexplained injuries and falls. …
Common types of medication which I deal with and support my clients with are: Paracetamol- usually prescribed as 500mg tablets and used to relieve symptoms of mild to moderate pain and can also be used to reduce body temperature during fever. Potential side effects can include; rashes and blood disorders …
Know about the legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety Current legislation The current legislation for safeguarding the welfare of children and …
While researching several Texas government based websites, I came across votesmart.org, which is a website aimed towards helping citizens become aware of their regional special interest groups and organizations. Based on my search from votesmart.org, I chose to evaluate equalitytexas.org, the website connected to Equality Texas which advocates and lobbies …
Describe legislation and regulations, working strategies and procedures used in health and social care to reduce the risk of two types of abuse. Describe: Give a clear description that includes all the relevant features- ‘paint a picture’ with words. Sexual abuse The Human Rights Act 1998 is one of the …
What is your thesis statement? Hate Crimes have been around for years, and with the recent rise in them much can be done to reduce this type of crime. I. Introduction …. Hate Crimes are offenses like murder, robbery, or vandalism with the intent of discriminating against someone. These crimes …
The central theme in Katherine Mansfield’s story is the cruelty of class distinctions. Mansfield was born in New Zealand when the country was still a British colony in which class distinctions were rigidly maintained. Her best-known short story, “The Garden Party,” also deals with this subject. The reason that the …
#1- Describe how you think a sociologist would approach studying the topics of child abuse and divorce. Use your “sociological imagination” to construct your answer Sociologist’s theories understand child abuse and divorce as a societal phenomenon having, a largely cultural, social, and economic origin or ties. Sociologists may prefer to …
A Define the following types of abuse and identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse The Department of Health has defined abuse as “Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any person or persons” (No Secrets 2000). There are many different …
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