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1984 Essays

Travyon Martin's Case

The article “Trayvon Martin’s Legacy” by the Editorial Board of the New York Times (July 14, 2013) criticizes the case of George Zimmerman who was found not guilty for killing Trayvon Martin. The New York Times claims that this verdict is more related to racism, the Stand Your Ground law, …

Rhetorical Analysis of Bill Shein’s “Reason Gone Mad”

Bill Shein wrote “Reason Gone Mad” for the American people—America’s “regular Jills and Joes”—especially those concerned with the democracy of the United States. The author initially displays a general knowledge of current events, which establishes for the reader that he “knows what he is talking about.” He then jumps directly …

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union

Everything started when Eastern Europeans grew tired of the restrictive communist government they were in and started wanting to have a democratic government similar to that of western countries. From 1956 until the final downfall of the soviets, there were various strikes and revolutions that served as calls for a …

Exposure Into Democracy

As a result of his exposure into democracy, Ulysses S. Grant stood for it in the sense that he grow up in the middle of it and knew how it worked. He doesn’t believe in proper ordering of human society but for a chance of every individual to show how …

How Public Opinion Constrains the Use of Force

This article examines the effects of various motivations and demotivations pertaining to the use of force by American Policy-Makers. The article presents a case study of U.S. reaction to a foreign crisis in Somalia in 1991. The military response to the situation was called “Operation Restore Hope”. The author observes …

10 Th Federalist Paper

James Madison, in his 10th Federalist Paper, identified factions as an evil that may cause destruction to a government. By faction, he means “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or …

Czech Republic

Czech Republic is in Central Europe and South East of Germany. Initially it formed the western part of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. Czech and Slovak had remained united for more than 75 years but they split in January 1993 to form two separate states. Since the spilt that …

A Democratic Political System

Economic growth varies from economic development due to the fact that it only entails the positive movement of a country’s GDP while economic development embraces other aspects in addition to economic growth. Economic development tends to focus on the quality of life of individuals while economic growth focuses more on …

Reflection: 1984 or Shake Hands With The Devil

When I read George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, “1984,” I realized it was intended by its author to act as an entertaining suspense-narrative and also as a warning to future generations. The story probes deep ideas related to the influence of tyranny in human society. The motivation for Orwell’s writing of …

George Orwell’s 1984 Analysis

The question of determinism versus free will in George Orwell’s 1984 is highly relevant, as Oceania’s populace is faced with a reality in which all their thoughts and actions are controlled by the ruling party. The citizens experience an existence in which they are threatened with bodily harm if they …

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