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1984 Essays

Socialists no Longer Seek to Fundamentally Change Society

Many Socialists have believed that Socialism could only be introduced by overthrowing the current political system. Blanqui proposed to do it through a small band of conspirators. Marx and Engels however, saw a proletarian revolution in which the masses of the working class would overthrow the bourgeoisie. This view arose …

Evaluate the Notion that the UK is a Truly Democratic Nation

The UK is a democratic nation when the term ‘democracy’ is used loosely. Citizens of the UK over the age of 18 can vote for whom they would like to represent them in government. However, when the realities of representation, electoral procedures and parliamentary structures are analysed, the extent to …

Is Socialism a Relevant Ideology in 2012?

The definition of socialism is ‘An economic, social and political doctrine which expresses the struggle for the equal distribution of wealth by eliminating private property and the exploitative ruling class’. This was a large movement in the mid to late 1900s and was the ideological basis of the early Labour …

The Role of Civil Society in Democracy

As one looks at the history of democracy, it is common to detect an undertone, a rush of voices clamoring for purchase in the debate regarding how the country will be governed. It is my belief that this undertone is the footprint of civil society, a segment of democratic societies …

Stalin and Propaganda

Established as one of the most authoritative and intimidating rulers to have ever walked the face of the Earth, Joseph Stalin was the unmatched communist leader of the Soviet Union for nearly three decades. His regime of fear and terror took the lives of millions, and the implementation of harsh …

Success of General Franco

The Spanish Civil War provided the contrast of ideas and ideology that were to define the twentieth century. Historians have done extensive research and published many accounts, views, and stories of the conflict of 1936-1939. General Franco was the unifying force of the Nationalists and the man who would later …

The Relationship Between Constitutionalism and Democratic Governance

INTRODUCTION The study of constitutionalism occupies a significant place in the sphere of comparative politics and it is universally accepted to be a necessity for any given society as it limits arbitrariness inherent in government and ensures that its powers contained in the constitution are to be used for the …

Communism and Cold War Tension

“The Korean War was more significant in the spread of the Cold War outside Europe than the Cuban Missile Crisis.” How far do you agree? The years 1950 to 1953 were a period of striving for Korea, where the North and South regions were being disputed over by China and …

Industrial Relations Argumentative

Workplace “has one source of authority and one source of loyalty” (Fox 1996: p. 3) – Dunlop (1958) argues that in a unitary theory, work organizations are integrated institutions with workers and management working in harmony. – Thus no conflict thesis is a dubious integration. It thrives on assumptions that …

Lord of the Flies Timed Writing

In our modern day world where the government is the leading actor for their respective countries, the citizens would say that most of the leaders are incompetent because they are dissatisfied with what they are doing. Most leaders who achieve fame and recognition are not always the ones who had …

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