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Environmental Action Plan

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Tree Plantation Project (TPP)

They are cutting down more trees every day. By organizing a Tree Plantation Project (TPP) we can plant more trees that produce our oxygen. I will be working with the Schools and the Communities to educate how trees help cleanse the air by intercepting airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing such pollutants as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide, and daily environmental activities. The current problems are losing CO2, building homes where it is not needed and destroying the rainforest. The animals are been force into the city due to them destroying their habitats. The overall impact is that by knocking down the trees we are depriving our oxygen an all living things as well as the ozone layer in our environment.

My TPP will guide individual in the right direction to plant and try to save the environment. My Aim is to have the Schools and Communities to learn the importance of planting trees, and to focus on the 10 activities of the TPP. I would also, like to see everybody’s continuing goal in the Tree Plantation Project to plant more trees to improve our environment. The current problems are losing CO2, building homes where it is not needed and destroying the rainforest. The animals are been force into the city due to them destroying their habitats. The overall impact is that by knocking down the trees we are depriving our oxygen an all living direction to plant and try to save the environment.

Tree Plantation Project

For my Tree Plantation Project, I will set up who is responsible for which job, how many people will be cooperating with the Tree Action Plan. I will require the help of 60 people from the schools and communities; this will be done every spring and summer every year. We will organize a plant booklet that will show the involved parties the difference between certain trees and sources of information on why this project is important to the environment. This information would be available at all times. Preparing the land this will give us areas where trees need to be planted, how many, and what kinds of trees should be planted to help the environment. Acquiring seeds on a yearly basis a member of the TPP will be responsible for finding the best place to purchase tree seeds and also the delivery of them.

The nursery will hold smaller trees that can be planted among the communities. The nursery will be checked on a weekly basis and the responsible party will be taking inventory of what’s in the nursery. Acquiring planting tools will be available for every planting project which includes rakes, water hoses, shovels, soil etc. Involving the communities and Schools to ask questions or have environmental discussions, the meeting will be held twice a month. The TPP environment discussion and planning will be held and the end of the every month. Every spring and summer will have a plant sale, 100 plants between the two seasons to for the TPP project.

Tree Plantation Project

Tree Plantation Project

By applying this action plan, I want to make the schools and the community aware of what’s going on in the environment involving trees. I would expect by putting together 10 environmental action plan activities that would build a lasting and informational plantation that will be available to the community; and with the knowledge and the right tools to have healthy trees in the communities. I plan to share my experience with other organization and with my communities on why it is important to plant trees to save the environment.

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