Disc Platinum Rule Assesment Paper

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1617
- Category: Behavior
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The study of human behavior is a complex endeavor as its subject—human being—is an ever-changing species. As varied as ideas, behavior, and preference, individuals have varied levels of attitudes about learning and teaching, and responses to different kinds of situations. Being so, a number of views can be considered in order to understand such dynamism: the individual, the group, and the society. It is an uncontested reality that each person is certainly different in terms of physicality and intellectual capacity. For this reason, it is also inevitable that each person has divergent personalities, which may or may not clash with another person’s viewpoints. Contrasting personalities may serve either as persistent conflict or as congenial friendship. Based on several theories and studies presented in books, one’s personality is so powerful that it may affect others.
In 1923, Dr. Carl Jung had written his famous Psychological Types, which were considered as the most sophisticated work on personality. Dr. Jung had described four behavioral styles namely the Intuitor, Thinker, Feeler, and Sensor.
In the advent of Information Ages, a number of varied models of behavioral differences have been apparent. However, these models all have one common factor, that is, the grouping of behavior into four categories. The focus of these explanations of behavioral styles is on the internal characteristics the lead to external behaviors.
Based on the work of William Moulton Marston, The Platinum Rule model offers a theoretical foundation for four behavioral clusters or styles of readily observable behaviors. Marston had noted that each style is exceptionally effective in certain types of situation. More so, he also noted that truly effective individuals readily modify their natural behavior in order to fulfill the demands or expectations of a given situation.
The Platinum Rule is focused on the patterns of observable, external behaviors, which each style shows to others. It demystifies other scientifically proven internal forces, which are factors that motivate an individual’s behavior.
There are four natural, core behavioral styles in the Platinum Rule model. These include the Dominant Director, the Interacting Socializer, the Steady Relater, and the Cautious Thinker. Behavioral styles are generally developed during childhood. It is perceived as an outcome of some possible genetic predisposition and early life occurrences. Every individual has a predominant behavioral style in which one uses often. More so, an individual also has secondary or backup style that complements or boosts a primary style.
Personally, the characteristic that best suits my personality is that of the Dominant Director or the Dominance style, which being strong willed, optimistic, and independent. Most individual who fall under this style is fast-paced and task-oriented. In fact, individuals who fall under different styles other than the Dominance style have a hard time coping up with individuals in the Dominance style. This is due to the lack of skills and abilities of others. Individuals under the Dominance style usually lack patience with individuals who are deficient in skills and abilities.
Like me, I usually stick with the agenda and keep conservation on one subject. A low-skilled individual and one that has low ability level usually take my patience. In small groups, I usually exhibit leadership and provide encouragement to others. Although I have low tolerance for mistakes like that of a typical “doer” as described in High “D,” I am not easily discouraged by errors. I see to it that everything is under control, thus, establishing goals or objectives for me as well as for my group. I would say that possessing some of the characteristics of the Dominance style provides me either with confidence that I may be able to work individually or with a small group.
However, in spite the fact that I am motivated by challenges and endeavors, I am aware that my tendency to dominate others and my inclination to impatience, which is mostly a result of my fear to be taken advantage of, can weaken my personality.
On the other hand, I also have the characteristics of the High “S” or the Steadiness style, being an efficient and organized individual and team member. I have high regard for my family and the value of loyalty. Contrary to Dominance Style, which represents a person who is inconsiderate and insensitive, I usually impart sympathy and kindness to the people around me. I like to listen to someone who needs my attention, which results to making good friends. However, I can also be stubborn and selfish, depending on the situation facing me.
With these characteristics, I would say that I am a leader, am decisive and one who strengthens. I am inclined to being a leader who usually creates impact on people. I like giving opinions, suggestions, and information to others. Although I am sloped to facing new challenges and adventures, I make sure that I exemplify harmony and unity in every action that I take. As such, I may say that my personality is comparable to that of Jude who has conveyed great concern for people and who has the ability to encourage and motivate them. Jude, like me, is strong-willed and determined to accomplish his goals and objectives.
As I have mentioned earlier, although I possess the characteristics of both the Dominance and Steadiness Styles, I would say that I am more of a High “D.” In fact, I have just proven this in one of my most recent undertakings. I have gone out with a group of friends one Saturday. All of us were undecided on what to do or where to go. We hung out at one of my friend’s place until I finally stood up and suggested that we head for something than just waste our time. I went on to decide for my group of friends and ended up watching a movie and then hanging out in a bar in the evening. Although all of us had fun, it made me feel like I have dominated over them. In fact, I did not give them a choice. However, when I decided to watch a movie and go to a bar, they just followed without objections. Consequently, I may say that I was able to stand as my friends’ leader and made an impact to them. I have suggested ways to make our time useful through giving focus on obtaining results.
In spite the fact that I fall under the Dominance style who represents a strong-willed personality, I also have fears and my greatest fear is to be taken advantage of. Based on my experiences, I have allowed myself to be dominated by some people only because I had no choice. However, given the chance, I would not have allowed them at all. It is hard for me to accept that someone can control me, decide for me, or even make a fool out of me. This is because I know myself as being influential to people, being a leader for that matter. Thus, I fear it when someone wants to take advantage of my weaknesses because I may not be able to recover from it that easily.
Some people say that in terms of listening to what others have to say, I usually get interested when its part of my agenda. Moreover, I also like conversations that get to the bottom line as quickly as possible. In situations where I have to come on time, say, if I have to be in one place by 8 in the morning, I usually come on time. However, if I know that nobody is going to talk to me, I will come around 8:05.
If I were to change any of my mentioned characteristics, it would be my inclination to dominating others. One’s behavior is so powerful that it may affect others. No matter how individually talented the members of the team are, its survival would still depend on the harmony of each member. Just because any team, group, or enterprise is a body of different individuals, the only common ground for its members could be cooperation. Just like in any team sports, one’s defensive failure may result to the opponent scoring a goal or making a shot. This principle is very true in any group that may lead to the inefficiency of the whole team. Instilling teamwork in the mentality of each member however, would have a higher probability of aborting failure. Teamwork practically remedies different preferences, tastes, and the like for the common good. It is important to show determined dedication to resolve conflicts from start to finish. I have also discerned that optimism is another a key to develop a positive working environment. Moreover, as team member, I will have to think less of my own needs and more about the needs of my team members to avoid or resolve a conflict. I should be able to assume responsibility for my emotional reactions and should ask myself on what I could learn on a conflict so it may be easier for me to control myself. Therefore, if I become overwhelming dominant over my group, then I will also be a part of their failure.
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