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Diction, Imagery, Detail, and Syntax in Poetry

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Instructions: Analyze the text you selected and fill out the following worksheet in detail. Provide specific examples from the text that support your analysis. 1.Write the title of the text you have analyzed here:

“The Odyssey”

2.List at least three examples of diction in the text that add to the overall tone. Explain how each word contributes to the emotional power of the piece.

Three examples of diction would be the words scorn, dame, and coy. These words add to the overall emotional power of the piece because they show how people looked at Queen Elizabeth and how she looked at herself.

3.List at least three examples of imagery in the text that add to the overall tone. Explain how each description contributes to the emotional power of the piece.

“When I was fair and young”- this example contributes to the overall emotional power of the piece by showing that this happened when she was a young girl. There is no specific age given, but it seems around her late teens, early twenty’s.

“Weeping eyes’- this example contributes to the overall emotional power of the piece by showing how many men wept over her when she pushed them away. When reading this you can vividly see weeping eyes.

“Yet I the prouder grew”- this example contributes to the overall emotional power of the piece by showing how she grew more arrogant.

4.List the examples of important details the author chose to include. Explain how these details contribute to the emotional power of the piece.

The author chose to include details such as “When I was young” to show that her beauty had declined significantly.

5.List the examples of important details the author chose to omit. Explain how these missing details contribute to the emotional power of the piece.

Examples of important details that the author chose to omit were, Queen Elizabeth’s age. The author just used “younger” as her age. The author didn’t tell exactly what changed her appearance.

6.Analyze the author’s use of syntax in this text. Are the sentences long or short? Does the author use punctuation to slow down the pace, or short phrases to quicken it? Explain how the sentence structure contributes to the emotional power of the piece.

The sentences are short for the most part. Yes, the author does use punctuation to slow down the pace of the poem, when the author does this it makes us readers slow down our reading. The sentence structure contributes to the emotional power of the piece by allowing us readers to sympathize with the author.

7.Select a tone (or multiple tones) from the list of Tone Words. Explain why this tone is the best way to describe this text.

Nostalgic in my opinion is the best word to describe this text because she feels pleasure and sadness from remembering the past, and wishing she could change it.

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