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The Darkness Under The Stair by Lance Salway

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Here are bullet points on what techniques the writer employs into the passage. The passage is called ‘The Darkness Under The Stair.’ It is about a boy called Andrew. His parents forced him to met his neighbours ‘the Sharmans.’ Even though he still hadn’t finished his homework. Once he arrived at their home, he felt uncomfortable. The place was dull and Andrew did not want to speak. The question at the end of the passage remains. How soon could he get up and leave? Andrew despised the Sharmans, detested their house and he still had homework to finish. Here are the author’s techniques:

* The author employs a third person view of the story, by using terms like ‘he.’

* Additionally the writer has made the passage more appealing by putting in to play a small number of direct speeches. These arte usually said by Andrew’s mother.

* Usually in films the usage of suspense is very common. In this particular passage the author tries to linger on without letting you know what will happen next. The writer situates into your mind a few unanswered questions. These make your imagination and ideas run wild. Soon you will think up an ending yourself. ‘How soon could he get up and leave?’

* The author does not indicate all the questions, but if you read beneath the lines you come across another question ‘Who are the Shamans?’ Are they a bad premonition? Why did they invite Andrew’s family?

* The writer cannot not designate clearly if they are a bad omen, but the author uses a technique and leaves a clue. Sharman is a bad sign or in another term could be witches, but the suspense in catching on. He lets you decide what you want to. Furthermore the author always uses the term darkness and then puts the light into the sentence. ‘Past the light and into the darkness.’

* The author occasionally invokes adjective terms. He describes the situation in detail. Additionally he puts the audience into the place where Andrew is. In laymen’s terms you can feel the story. ‘Aware of a dark wave of dread, that arose.’

* Andrew is character drawn up the author. He is described to be arrogant and judges people with out confidence. The other characters seem dull and boring.

* Lance the author does not put a great deal of description into the characters. He instead keeps it short and from the short description you could draw a picture of the particular character in your mind. ‘Pleasant face of the dark middle-aged man in glasses.’

* Moreover the main technique I picked out in the first round of reading in the tenses occupied by the author. The story leads of in present tense as Andrew describes what happens and in the middle there is a bit of past and at the end the author makes you think what will happen next, which is the future.

Those were are the main techniques the author Lance Salway has utilized into his passage. Writers exaggerate their text a bit, but this passage was will rounded with important techniques. The author of this passage wanted to make you find out the suspense and the meaning of the story, by hiding sub texts in between the lines.

How Successful Is This As The Opening Of A Ghost Story?

Here is another set of bullet points, but this time I am describing how successful the text is? How the author achieved it? And has the author achieved the success of the text? As you know from before it is the same story about the boy Andrew, but I am answering the questions I have stated. Keeping in mind this is an opening of a story. I will be making a judgement on the passage through out the bullet points and will be putting my opinion at the end. Here are the successes of the opening passage of the story ‘The Darkness Under The Stair’:

* The opening of this ghost story is written to ‘hook’ you on to the story while it is moving. The author has not made any special ghost openings (i.e. it was a gloomy dark day. In a haunted house.). In another words the writer has not set the scene quite yet for the audience.

* The author has introduced the story like any other normal novel. He has put the characters into play gradually as the chronicle goes on. The author has not yet expressed the title into the story. ‘As soon as he steeped into the hall.’

* The suspense of the novel builds up at the beginning. The writer has put into your thoughts a few questions. How is this a ghost story with exultant characters? Why is the book called ‘The Darkness Under The Stair’? What does the word Sharman mean? Why as the writer used the term Sharman for the characters? What will happen next?

* Sharman is a name given to witch doctors to some extent. Additionally the author is also remarkable at creating suspense and the uses the language to in an atmospheric way.

* The formal, old-fashioned nature of the language makes the world of the story feel real.

* Lance Salway the author has set our to achieve a suspense in the opening of the chronicle. He as also wanted the set up a few questions in the audience’s mind. To make them think in more depth in the novel. He wants you to wonder who the Sharmans really are. Furthermore he wishes you to think of the mysterious boy named Danny. ‘He had spiky hair and pale blue eyes.’ There is not much description on him. This makes you suspect he is a ghost or a bad sign.

* I believe in my own opinion that the author has achieved success in his opening of the story. This is because I think he had intended to plug questions into the readers mid and create a lot of unanswered questions. The main achievement for the author is the use of his suspense. Putting it in characters to make shows this you wonder whom they are and into what will happen next. The suspense is also to find out why the title is ‘The Darkness Under The Stair.’ There is a smidgen of scenery suspense. Makes you speculate why the scene is set in a modern house. ‘A wide wooden stair case rose into shadow.’

* The author has achieved the success with the suspense and questions made in the opening of the chronicle. I suppose success was the gradually start of the story and moving slowly with diminutive description of characters. Soon creating suspense and lastly making you invent your own answers to the unanswered questions you thought of, which the story has put into your intellect.

Personally I will articulate that Lance Salway the author of the story ‘The Darkness Under The Stair’ has achieved what he wished would be success for him. He has the use of suspense, and the slow moving of a ghost story. He has not included any excitement at the first, but makes you want to read on ad find out why the chronicle is called ‘The Darkness Under The Stair.’ The techniques used in the novel is linked with the success of the opening of the story.

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