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Cubism was created in the 1920’s in Paris, the other artists involved were Lyonel Feininger, Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Kasimir Malevich, Patrick Henry Bruce, Albert Gleizes, Natalia Goncharov, Fernand L�ger, Mikhail Larionov, Henri Le Fauconnier, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Louis Marcoussis, Jean Metzinger, Robert Delaunay, Roger de la Fresnaye, Henri Laurens, Andre Lhote, Alexander Archipenko, Juan Gris, Henri Gaudier – Brzeska, Jacques Lipchitz.

The style of cubism was different because Cubism is a type of art that shows movement through time. That means that instead of painting someone stiff, the artist would paint them moving.

The words I can use to describe the work are: rectangles, squares, right angles, semi-circle, light and dark areas and triangles (the main ones it differs for each picture).

The cubist’s techniques were to draw a sketch and on another piece of paper draw the shapes then you do the changes at the end and another thing you do in cubism is you brake down the object (person or thing) into geometric shapes. That way instead of showing one face the artist could use small shapes to show more than one.

Colour has been used generously and most of them are like watercolour and chalky type

The shapes I can see are mostly: rectangles, squares, right angles, semi-circle, triangles, letters, lines, circles, a human type shape

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