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Compare how authors create suspense in a variety of short stories.

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This essay is about short stories and these short stories are written in the nineteenth century. The stories are called “The Yellow Paint” by Robert Louis Stevenson, “Napblen The Specture” by Charlotte Bronte, “the Adventure Of The Speckled Band” by Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle, “The Red Room” by H G and Wells, “The Invisible Girl” by Mary Shelley. All the stories have horror in them and the common thing about the stories is that they are mystery and detectives.

In the stories there are many clues for a detective to solve the mystery. Out of these five stories I have chosen two and they are “the red room” The Adventure Of The Speckled Band”. The reason I have chosen the stories is because they both are similar and more detailed. These stories bring out a lot of suspense. The stories are set in the day. The language used in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” explains the back ground of the story in more detail, but in “The Red Room” the background is not in much detailed. The words used in the stories are quiet easy to understand. Both stories start in a mystery and somebody has to solve it.

First I am going to talk about the plot of the story “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” and “The Red Room” both of these stories contain mystery. In “The Red Room “the narrator goes straight I n to the story but in “The Adventure Of The Speckled Band” there is a lot of background information. In “The Red Room” there is a bit of background information and the main story starts before, and whilst “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” Helens sister Julia gets killed by a mysterious speckled band and Helen knows that the same thing is happening to her so she gets Holmes to investigate. In “The Red Room” a man goes to investigate if there really is a ghost.

Now I am going to talk about the setting, both stories are set in the night both rooms are in the dark when they find the answer to the problem. In the Speckled Band the story is set in the day, but when the real action is happening it be sin the night. Sherlock Homes and Watson live in London they travel to Sedrice Moran, where they were investigating outside. And stayed outside the house till they got an answer. In “The Red Room” they don’t have to travel a far distance, the man with a withered arm goes into the red room at night through a long passage through a long corridor to the red room and left the old fashion furniture. There is another room recoming so it’s clear that both stories have something in common.

The characters in the “Red Room are: a man with a withered arm and there is an old man with shades, there was and old women but the main character is the warratar. In the adventure of the speckled band the characters are: Sherlock Holmes and they line together. The main characters are: Dr Grimsby Royott, Helen. The relationship between Helen and Dr Royott is Dr Royott is Helens step father.

Now I am going to talk about the themes there is in all the stories, and the moral in “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” is what goes round comes around. Also that you should take responsibility for your own actions. And at the end the snake turns on him and he dies.

In “The Red Room” the main theme is common and the fear ends at the end in “Speckled Band”.

Know I am going to talk about the language of both the stories in “The Red Room” the language and word are repeated many times and both stories have senses in “Spekled Bands” there is a lot of background information and the story is told by Watson first person. The sense in the spakled band is sound when Helen hears whistling smell when Helen and her sister smell the cigarette and the oil burning.

Finally I am going to talk about the atmosphere, in both stories in ” The Red Room” the mood and atmosphere there is a lot of tension and suspense the darkness.

In the “Spekled Band” the mood atmosphere is also a lot of tension and suspends the story is mostly set at night which adds to the mood. The atmosphere and mood makes the reader feel cold and to expect the unexpected.


As you can see from what I have written the similarity in both stories are that they both are short and both stories contain fear,darkness,a lot of suspense and a mystery and the most action happens at night. In “Spekled Band” the author Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle has given a lot of background information. In the “Red Room” by H g and Wells there was not a lot of background information and suspense is built towards the end therefore in the “speckled Band” the suspense is built in the beginning. The suspicion is mostly bad this is because the reader will enjoy reading and would want to find out more, the reader would want to no what is gonna happen.

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