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“Cyber security refers to a group of techniques wont to defend the integrity of networks, programs and knowledge from attack, injury or unauthorized access.” during this age of technology wherever the world is functioning with computers and all our information’s are stored in computers we need to find a way to protect ourselves from attacks happening on the web. Those attacks could happen in different formats such as malware, ransomware, phishing, and so on. Those attacks are used for different purposes it could be identity theft, a threat to get money from us or in a big case for terrorism. Cyber security comes in handy to protect ourselves from those kinds of attacks. In a world where every household is connected to the internet criminals have more access to our livelihood. Cyber criminals work in a mystery way they update how they work every minute, so this gives an opportunity for a lot of cyber security professionals. Cyber security professionals are those people that protect us from cyber-attacks. Technology is growing rapidly, and cyber security professionals also have more work to do and this field of study is giving a lot of people an opportunity.

As a cyber security specialist, we need to have a hard and soft skills as well as certification. “The soft skills are strong communication skills, the ability to solve complex skills and an eager mind to know and learn something. The hard skills include o IDS/IPS, penetration and vulnerability testing o TCP/IP, computer networking, routing and switching o DLP, anti-virus and anti-malware o Firewall and intrusion detection/prevention protocols o Secure coding practices, ethical hacking and threat modeling o Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems o ISO 27001/27002, ITIL and COBIT frameworks o PCI, HIPAA, NIST, GLBA and SOX compliance assessments o C, C++, C#, Java or PHP programming languages o Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)” Salaries for cyber security specialists PayScale has two categories for IT Security Specialists: 1. The median salary for a Security Specialist is $74,432 (2018 figures). Overall, you can expect to take home a total pay of $46,341 – $117,829. 2. The median salary for a Computer Security Specialist is $71,763 (2018 figures). Overall, you can expect to take home a total pay of $39,181 – $107,135. Database administrator What is a database administrator? ” info directors established databases in keeping with a company’s desires and ensure they operate with efficiency. They will conjointly fine-tune, upgrade and test modifications to the databases as needed.” A database administrator keeps data available to users with access by keeping a maximum time up. Some of the roles of a database administrator are storing and organizing data.

“Some responsibilities of a database administrator include:

  • Identifying user needs to create and administer databases
  • Ensuring that the database operates efficiently and without error
  • Making and testing modifications to the database structure when needed • Maintaining the database and updating permissions
  • Merging old databases into new ones
  • Backing up and restoring data to prevent data loss”

Database administrators are classified in to system DBA AND application DBA. “The BLS reports that database administrators made a median salary of $84,950 in 2016. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession earned $129,930, while the lowest-paid 10 percent earned $47,300 that year. 75th Percentile $109,940 Median $84,950 25th Percentile $62,350” “Fashion commercialism is that the promotion of attire sales and involves all of the tasks necessary to deliver the wear requests and meet the wants of potential customers and designers. Fashion commercialism involves developing campaigns, displays and advertisements, directing manufacturing and marketing as well as creating sales strategies for the fashion industry or the retail environment.” “Fashion Merchandising Tasks In a fashion commercialism job, your task is to make fashion relatable to your customers.

To do this, you will perform the subsequent tasks:

  • Going to fashion shows
  • Researching and predicting fashion trends
  • Directing and negotiating with suppliers, manufacturers and retailers
  • Working with design, planning and sales teams
  • Buying fashion
  • Managing retail outlets
  • Creating store displays
  • Directing fashion photo shoots
  • Determining a store’s type of clientele
  • Pricing garments based on quality and affordability
  • Finding the best prices to stay within budgets
  • Developing advertising and marketing strategies”

“The median annual remuneration of somebody during this career varies greatly in keeping with his or her job title and specific trade. Below may be a list of typical jobs in fashion commercialism at the side of the remuneration vary for setting out to old workers: • Retail Buyer: $58,532 to $115,348 • Visual Merchandiser: $27,129 to $62,997 • Wholesale Account Representative: $43,112 to $86,114 • Retail Fashion Store Manager: $37,656 to $80,016 • Merchandise Planner: $44,949 to $85,927 • Market Analyst: $55,804 to $136,842”

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