Board of Governors School

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Order NowSchool governors are mainly people from the local community who want to make a positive and significant input to children’s education. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools and they also appoint the headteacher and deputy headteacher.
The governors are members of the school governing board. The role of a governing board is a strategic one and its key functions are: setting the targets and goals for the school creating and setting the school policies monitoring and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its goals and targets ensuring senior management have developed the required and necessary policies and procedures and the school is operating according to those policies in the most efficient and smooth way reporting to the school’s stakeholders: pupils, parents, staff, and the wider community monitoring that the school facilities are safe and welcoming supporting the headteacher being a source of challenge.
Sources: https://www. gov. uk/government/publications/governance-handbook https://www. nga. org. uk/News/NGA-News/Sept-16-Feb-2017/New-Governance-Handbook-and-Competency-Framework-r.aspx https://www. essex. gov. uk/Education-Schools/Schools/becoming-a-school-governor/Pages/The-Role-of-the-School-Governor-and-Governing-Bodies. aspx
Headteacher (principal, headmaster or headmistress, dean )? He/she is an experienced teacher responsible for the education of all pupils, management of staff, and for school policy making.
The headteacher tasks includes: setting the school’s values and communicating them to pupils, staff, parents and the community controlling school finances creating and maintaining a healthy and safe space for learning deciding staff priorities setting high expectations of achievement for staff and pupils keeping to rules on equal opportunities using data to track performance and produce reports informing parents and pupils about the school progress selecting, supporting, assessing and developing staff leading and attending meetings working closely with external professionals and school governors.
Sources: https://www. tes. com/Upload/Attachments/TES/3114022/Job%20Description. doc https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Head_teacher SENCO
The SENCO(Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) has a very crucial role in a school because he/she has to ensure that children with special needs and disabilities receive the help and support they need. The SENCO must be a qualified teacher and he/she has to work very closely with the headteacher and the board of governors in determining the strategic development of SEN policy. This policy details how a school will do its best to make sure that the necessary arrangement are made for any pupil who has special educational needs.
The type of responsibilities a SENCO has are: daily application of the school SEN policy supporting the identification of children with special educational needs. co-ordinating the equipment and the resources for children with SEN liaising with parents of children with SEN. liaising with other providers, educational psychologists and external agencies. ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEND up to date.
Sources: https://www. theguardian. com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2013/jun/06/special-educational-needs-coordinator-senco https://www.theguardian. com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2017/sep/08/sencos-get-organised-school-year http://www. stoneferry. hull. sch. uk/sen. html
Senior Management Team The Senior Management Team (SMT) or Senior Leadership Team(SLT) works closely with the Headteacher sharing the responsibility for all aspects of school leadership and management. This team that can change in number and structure depending on the size of the school will include:
Deputy Headteacher Key Stage Leaders Deputy heads. They are responsible for: the safety and the maintenance of the schoolthe interior fitments and equipment maintenance and replacement the safety of all students and staff to monitor and evaluate all pupil achievements and attainments to organise the classrooms to make sure that the teaching and learning plans and standards are line with the national curriculum and the national levels of expectation. to provide up to date professional training for all staff members to response to inspections, assessments and other external requests and requirements to keep the School Governing body informed and up to dateto assume responsibility for the management of the school in case of absence of the Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher to lead on key areas of the curriculum agreed by the Headteacher and/or Deputy Headteacher.
Their role is to make sure that every student is learning in a safe and positive learning environment. There are many types of support staff: administrative staff(school business manager,personal assistants, admin assistants) learning support staff(teaching assistants, nursery nurses and cover supervisors) pupil support(who are responsible for the welfare of pupils during school time, break, lunchtime and outside school hours and staff who assist pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and careers advice) site staff(caretakers, cleaners, caterers,cooks,kitchen staff and site managers) specialist and technical staff(science, ICT technicians and managers, librarians and music specialists). He/she create a positive environment, become role model, listen and look for signs of trouble.
He/she not simply impart knowledge but also guide, and shape the character of pupils. He/she has to: prepare lesson plans teach classes maintain discipline in the classroom encourage students evaluate student progress gives them tasks relating to selection of courses, home work, and other study activities act as teacher–advisors for students achieve educational objectives through the curriculum of the school.
A teacher also: maintain record of pupil’s achievement in different subjects and activities maintain good relations with the pupils, their parentsrecord their admission, attendance, their scores, in different tests such as register and IT files study pupils habits maintain school records such as property register, supply of equipment, issue books and materials write annual reports of various activities and functions done during the year run extracurricular sports, clubs and activities.
Sources: https://www. thoughtco. com/what-is-the-role-of-a-teacher-2081511 https://www. prospects. ac. uk/job-profiles/primary-school-teacher https://www. prospects. ac. uk/job-profiles/secondary-school-teacher