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Barriers to Effective Communication

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A disability can restrict communication; there are many types such as, hearing loss Autism, Down syndrome, Blind, Speech impediment and many more. (According to E. rasheed 2011)There are many forms of disability effecting different types of service users, although not everyone will know if, a service user has special need or learning difficulties s, Such as Dyslexia. However a visual impairment is visible to others. All of these can cause barriers making it difficult to communicate with one to one for example a teacher who is on replacement may speak to a student who seems to be ignoring her, the teacher becomes angry and therefore refuses to teach him.

In this situation the boys is deaf and he dose not understand because he can not hear, he can not communicate back. The teacher is taken back as she is unaware. She is also unable to communicate, and the communication cycle is disturbed. To change and adapt the environment for his need, the school may make people aware and sign to him. She would need to be patient, listen and informed. The student may also need technical aids by a hearing aid. The teacher may need staff training on how to cope and this all must be kept confidential.


Aggression means anger, this can be intimidating. Not just for the service user experiencing it but, those receiving it to. Aggression can become a problem in communication when receiving mentally, physically or verbally abuse. They may make demands, not listen and insult the ones trying to help (Haworth, E Higgins, 2010.) There body language may change for example, closed fists, fixed eye contact and angry expressions, finally ending communication and becoming barrier.

The service user maybe become agitated by the professional having power where as the service user may be distress therefore act out. For example, a young woman may need sectioning however she may feel that she is healthy and well. She is still sectioned without her consent. She may be frightened and act out and start to punch then kick ending communication. In this situation the woman is becoming physically aggressive. The doctor cannot communicate, he can be assertive by listening and sympathy using the right words and keeping calm. He then might and negotiate even use problem solving to overcome this barrier. The doctor will need staff training to cope in these situations.

Cultural variations

A cultural difference is when someone from one religion may act differently to someone from another. This can offend people in different cultures. Depending on different origin, some may react differently when approached (Haworth, E Higgins, 2010.) Some of the factors for cultural differences can include, class. Some cultures do not talk to people who have lower income than them. It is their belief that same sexed relationships should not happen and can be frown apron.

There are many factors of different cultures, so when communication comes into context, it can be difficult to interact as cultures do things different, resulting in a barrier. For example if a female doctor is trying to communicate with a Muslim man who has come for an appointment, she tries to look at him but he will not look at her then ask what she can do for him but he looks at her in horror and walks out ending communication. This shows this particular communication has formed a barrier between the two people. The man is Muslim and does not mean to be rude. This is his culture that he was brought up in. (According to E. Rasheed 2012)

He does not look at her because in his culture individual do not look at each other in the eye as a sign or respect, as well as woman do not have equal rights as men, some Muslim ‘that woman should be seen not herd.’ She is also wearing doctor’s clothes and in Muslim culture woman should wear a burka. When the doctor talks to him she looks him in the eye as a sign of respect in English culture and has a equal role to men. He will not communicate with her ending communication. The man may have a preferred choice, or maybe needs to talk about it as well as having someone to sit and listen to him.


Depression can be a communication when the service users is communicating properly because they are in a deep depression. Depression can be strong and service users may shut down from professionals. They may believe that no one can help them now and spiral in to a deep depression. service users can show depression in different ways such as crying and uncontrollable or can shut down altogether . Service users may be ‘wrapped up within their own thoughts,’ being unable to communicate. For example a friend may ask what is wrong with an adolesnt service user however the service user does not speak; she tries to communication with the service user but the service user in not maintain eye contact or willing to interacted with the friend.

The friend becomes frustrated and leaves however, the adolesnt is depressed and in a deep depression some do not accept help when it is most needed. In this case the service user need to have a friend or relative who is encourage as well as patient and willing to wait for them to speak . They will need to be a good listener and not but in but maybe after giving an opinions in a kind gentle manner more leading the service user to believe then just telling them for example, I feel that instead of you should. And not giving direction just let a sympathetic ear.

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