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A. Attention Getter: Dribble the basketball around

B. Reason to Listen: For the most part all of us have played a sport. There are many different sports but I would like to talk to you about the sport of basketball. I am going to explain how the sport of basketball has a toll on my life so that you can have a better understanding of whom I am.

C. Thesis Statement:My basketball symbolizes what basketball means to me.

D. Preview of Main Points

1. First, I will explain how the hole in the basketball that gets filled with air symbolizes how I filled a hole within my life by playing basketball. 2. Second, I will explain how my basketball has the words “THE ROCK” on it and how basketball provides a rock in my life. 3. Finally, I will explain how the leather of the basketball shows the wear and tear durability and how I use basketball to stay durable myself.

A. The hole that gets filled with air, in a basketball, resembles how basketball inflates my life.

1. Basketball has helped me to fill a hole in my life since I was a child. Basketball was my first love and I was always dribbling one everywhere I went. I loved the game. 2. Basketball became a piece of my everyday lifestyle. I not only played it, but watched it every chance I could. I was watching my role models that I wished to be in the future.

Transition:Now that I have discussed how basketball fills a hole in my life, I will discuss how filling that hole, led to becoming “THE ROCK” in my life.

B.A basketball provides a rock in my life because it comes with dedication, which comes with more responsibility, acting as an anchor in my life. The sense of dedication helps basketball provide as a stress relief also.

1. Basketball provides a rock in my life because I have always turned to basketball when I need to get my mind off of reality. Basketball almost served as a stress relief.
2. Basketball provides a rock in my life because it helps me be a more responsible individual with my priorities when I have to balance class, homework, and basketball.

Transition: Now that I have discussed how basketball provides “THE ROCK” in my life, I would like to discuss how the leather material of a basketball undergoes wear and tear and must be durable, similarly to how my physical activity and body must be durable when I am playing basketball.

C. A basketball undergoes wear and tear when it is constantly being bounced; similarly, I use basketball to keep my physical activity and body durable.
1.Basketball helps me stay durable because it helps me to stay in shape to where I can withstand physical activity constantly, for a longer period of time running up and down the court.
2. Basketball helps my body be more durable because when I drive to the hole and draw contact you got to be able to withstand the contact and still score for the best outcome.

A.Review of Main Points:

1.First, I explained how a basketball has helped me to fill a hole in my life because it became a part of my character since I was young, and how it transitioned into my everyday life. 2.Second, I explained how the leather of a basketball shows durability and how my physical activity required for basketball must be durable. 3. Finally, I explained how a basketball needs to be durable because it bounces constantly and how this symbolizes how my body and physical activity must both be durable when playing basketball.

B. Restate Thesis: My basketball symbolizes what basketball means to me.

C.Closure:“The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I’ve always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It’s been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It’s a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game” –Michael Jordan.

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