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Are Advertisements Aimed at Teenagers Effective?

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Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer. Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical? My Response:

Advertisements aimed at teenagers are extremely effective. Teenagers are easily influenced and prone to things such as peer pressure. The topic of ethics in advertisement is a moral grey area. Advertisements are ethical up until they reach the point of body issues or the idea of “perfect”. Teenagers are flighty and fickle, in an age group where disorders run wild, you never know who the ad can effect negatively.

Thesis Statement:
Whilst it is incredibly effective, the advertisements aimed at teenagers are unethical.

I. Advertisements use idealistic body imagery and photoshopped models to sell the idea of perfection.
A. Sadly, when marketed towards teenagers, there is a skewed perception.
B. This can cause many psychological problems
1. eating disorders
2. depression and anxiety
3. ADD and ADHD
C. This idea of perception is clearly unattainable and unhealthy. II. Most teens aren’t capable of distinguishing what is real and what is fake.
A. The skewed reality causes stress on the psyche.
B. Teens struggle to keep up with the social pressure and influenced to grow up rapidly.
C. The societal pressure is pushed up and causes emotional damage. III. 78% of 17-year old girls are unhappy with their bodies.
A. This is believed to be the effect of the media.
B. In a culture where beauty is held most important and everything is over-sexualized.
1. The infamous Kate Upton Carls Jr. ad.
2. The Tom Ford Fragrance ad featuring a completely nude woman.
3. Videogames such as Cammi in Streetfighter and Mad Moxxi from Borderlands.
C. Nudity is the norm and virgins are like unicorns and teens are struggling to keep up.

Body Paragraph
Advertisements use idealistic imagery and extensive photoshop to sell the idea of perfection. But, when marketed towards teenagers, these ads are given deeper meaning. Whilst it is incredibly effective, the advertisements aimed at teenagers are unethical. Because the teenage psyche isn’t fully developed, psychological disorders run rampant due to some of the more aggressive marketing techniques. Disorders such as depression, bulimia, and anxiety are common among today’s youth. Teenagers are unhappy with their bodies, pressured to grow up quickly, and influenced by all influences (negative or positive). Sadly, coping mechanisms are still developing in adolescents and while the world appears to look down on teens, their problems are often overlooked or ignored.

In conclusion, advertisers are liable for the way their ads are perceived by the public. Teenaged aimed ads aren’t ethical because the young public’s reaction to the ad is difficult to anticipate. Most teens aren’t capable of distinguishing real from fake, and societal norms only add more stress. These ads, perfectly targeting teenagers, are highly unethical. Sadly, these are overlooked by the general public. Young people’s needs should be taken more seriously and are commonly looked down on. There should be more stipulations on the minimum requirements for advertisements aimed at teenagers. They should be more closely regulated.

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