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Application for International Commerce Degree

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Goals are where horizons meet reality. These goals are nurtured with ample of determination and backed by resilience which can turn into achievements. My career goals started taking shape towards the later part of my undergraduate degree. My parents offered significant participation in helping me in shaping my goals. My parents would always advise me to follow my heart and do what I wanted to. “If you follow your heart you would perform and deliver nothing but the best”, they would say. These words shaped my career and destiny.

I always wanted to be a self made person, an entrepreneur who would sketch his own future, even though I belong to a family where business is a legacy. I decided to explore the unknown and take the path of an entrepreneur. The world of business has always been an area of utmost curiosity for me and as it is a well-known fact – curiosity leads to learning. I believe that Trade and Commerce are like blood for the veins of any developing or developed nation. Through various sources to information like newspapers and business magazines I have gathered that Business in its various forms is the center of any activity.

I aspire to have a business that would surpass existing international standards and set higher standards for the future years. This would not only satiate my quench of making a career but also help me contribute positively to my society and the customer. I want to be self-employed one day and generate employment for others too. The global world and its free trade or business has always been fascinating for me, having a love for learning about different cultures and societies of the world.

I consider that the whole world, planet earth, is a person’s home and that he should not be bound by the barriers of country, race or religion but reach out for other people as there is always something to be learnt or shared. The world cannot survive or thrive without business. I am very much interested in the workings of international commerce, trade, business and foreign exchange and I want to make a good niche in the same. I hold a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts with a major concentration in computer graphic design.

I have always been very pleased with the choice that I made early on to study fine arts but my strong interest in business, especially fashion business, has motivated me to enroll one of the world’s most renowned fashion schools after graduation. At {my school}, I studied fashion business marketing and gained A. A. S degree in Fashion Marketing. Challenges are like fuel to dynamism, as they provide inspiration and confidence to outstrip any hurdle. Being a go-getter by nature I have always set high quality targets and then spared no efforts in achieving them.

I aim to achieve the best possible education so that I have the required skills to build up a successful career for myself. The very coherent curriculum of your university complimented with the expertise of your faculty members serve to be the right educational environment for me. I am confident that being a part of your university I would grow into an enterprising and outstanding graduate. Educational background I grew up in Korea but studied in US for my high school and college course. I studied a degree in BA fine Arts as my first degree.

Soon after my graduation I enrolled for AAS program where I obtained a degree in Fashion Marketing. This was to align my dreams and vision of becoming a great business man in fashion. My father who is also a global businessman has also inspired me a great deal. To enhance my skills and knowledge, I had to engage in internships so as to have experience in marketing and merchandising. My first internship was at a marketing agency while the second one was at a designer boutique where I was as an assistant buyer. This helped to have experience of interacting with suppliers.

I also engaged in internship at national clothing brand in New York as a merchandiser assistant where I performed different tasks including marketing researches, preparing sales projects, and analysis of textile market. My most recent internship was at clothing brand global marketing team. Here, I worked for approximately one year as I also attended my college course. This offered me theoretical and practical knowledge which is very essential to develop me as a professional. It was during my work at clothing brand global marketing team that it dawned to me that I still need more knowledge to optimally utilize my potential.

My vision and mission is to go global and serve my country as an international businessman. Reason for applying To become a successful global businessperson, I need to have knowledge about international commerce. In studying international commerce I aim to be equipped with knowledge, skills and experience in trade, business, finance and marketing in global perspective. I also need to understand, macroeconomic issues, electronic commerce, strategic management, regional integration, foreign investments, and issues to do with money and banking. This will be of great help in achieving my vision and mission.

Study plan I intend to be a full time student so as to ensure full participation in this degree program. I intend to start my study during the spring semester. During this semester I would like to register for the following courses: macroeconomics, strategic management, and electronic commerce. During this semester, I will attend all necessary course work including applying for comprehensive Exam From spring semester 2010, participating in this Exam and mid term exams. Before going for summer vacation I expect to have enough knowledge in macroeconomics, strategic management and electronic commerce.

In august 2010, I intend to enroll for the Fall semester 2010. During this semester I expect to register for the following courses: multilateral and regional cooperation for economic development, banking and money, and foreign direct investment. By the end of this semester in November, I expect enough knowledge about foreign investments, regional integration, and money and banking. Future plan On gaining this knowledge about international commerce, I expect to start my own firm which will be involved in fashion and design.

This firm will focus on coming up with different fashion designs based on global perspective. I also expect to utilize my knowledge on market research so as to understand tastes and preference of different countries so that my firm will offer superior design to the world as compared to the competitors. I also expect to employ some workers who have a passion for design to work in my firm. The firm will be an entrepreneurial and professional venture based on global perspective. I look forward to manage, own and run the firm towards attaining high superior fashion design.

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