Animal Farm Literary Analysis
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Order NowWhen Old Major died I knew his plans would go wrong. Well, at first it was going well until the expulsion of Jones. When the pigs learnt to read and write I knew it would go wrong because they could take advantage of the animals and they would never know.
After the commandments were written they were bound to change, and the last commandment failed when the pigs milked the cows, then Napoleon order the animals to do the harvest while he stole the milk. Napoleon obviously broke the commandments, but all those stupid animals didn’t bother to question him, so why should I save them. Is animalism failing? Well of course it bloody is, but why don’t the stupid animals see it.
When it came to the harvest all the dumb animals “toiled and sweated” doing the harvest, while the pigs stood around saying “gee-up” as if they owned them. After this it was all right on the farm, except for Napoleon and Snowball who were still arguing over little things.
I got asked about what I thought about the rebellion, and all I said was “a donkey’s live a long time. None of you have ever seen a dead one.”
When I got asked to read the commandments, I just took no notice because I already knew that animalism had failed, except for those stupid animals! Plus they finally figured out were the milk went but forgot all about those puppies just taken by Napoleon from Bluebell and Jessie. After that, the pigs easily persuaded the animals that they should eat the apples, how typical if them. With Squealer, the dam pigs can get away with anything. It’s so obvious that animalism is failing but that animals just can’t see it or anything.
For quite a while life was the same until the final meeting with Snowball. When I saw those big dogs, I knew it would happen. Napoleon trained them as his guards and beast while breaking the second commandment as well.
Next Napoleon convinced the animals that it was his idea to build the windmill and that Snowball had stole the idea. I thought that was pathetic and I could have thought of a better story.
Then he starts dealing with humans, what a joke because not even the animals noticed it. Then it finally happens, the first step Napoleon makes towards being a human by sleeping in Jones bed. As usual he gets away and this time changes the fourth commandment. I noticed it without ever reading the commandments but all the other idiots didn’t even notice. This shows the pigs can do anything without being questioned, and equality no longer exists like animalism.
Just as I thought, the pigs took advantage again and they could wake up an hour later. When will they notice that Napoleon is a dictator and will make sure he is the owner of the farm at the end of the day? Again he goes against the commandments, but no one notices except me.
After that windy night the windmill had collapses, and Napoleon blamed it on Snowball and all those idiotic animals believe him. Then he sentences him to death, which is a breech of the seventh commandment. Then dictator Napoleon walks round like an idiot saying Snowball has been on the farm.
A week later at a meeting, crazy Napoleon executed twelve animals because of pathetic reasons. Personally I think they were Brain washed into saying that, and the dogs tried to kill my beast friend Boxer but as usual he listened to Napoleon to let the dog go. If Boxer did kill the dog the animals would see sense and put a stop to it. Its like taking candy from a baby. After this, Squealer prances around like a puff convincing the animals it was right for the twelve animals to die and he magically got away. Plus they changed the sixth commandment and they didn’t notice it, not even Muriel.
Then Napoleons friend, Minimus, made a crap poem instead of “beasts of England” but I think they were both boring. Why do these animals take all this even though the changes are all so often and easy to notice. Alchol, what a joke? Pigs dinking alcohol and the animals don’t notice anything. Then he wears a bowler hat and starts making alcohol. They are completely going against the commandment but they go the easy way by changing the fifth commandment.
Then the worst day of my life came. The bloody pigs killed my best friend by sending him to the knackers yard and the dam animals did nothing. Probaly they were brainwashes, or the new commandment, but I just don’t know why. If I was younger and those animals were cleverer I would ill those bloody dictator pigs.
Next they brainwash sheep so the dumb idiots say, “four legs good, two legs better and know one notices. As well when squealer fell off the
ladder after changing the commandments. Know one questioned him. It’s a bloody laugh. Then there is just one commandment “all animals are equal, and some are more equal than others” and know one says anything. When will they notice that they are being cheated on and lied to?
Then they wore clothes and mixed with humans breaking most of the commandment, but I forgot there is just one commandment left!
Personally I think none of this is my fault, it’s there own faults. If they were any clever, or has a brain they would notice pigs are ruling the farm.