Analysis of Anti-Smoking Advertisements

- Pages: 3
- Word count: 724
- Category: Advertisement Marketing Smoking
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Order NowAnalysis of AntiSmoking Advertisements Smoking is becoming more and more of a problem throughout the world. Smoking cigarettes used to symbolize wealth and status in society. Today, smoking seems to be more of a trend to look “cool”. It is very much advertised against on television today. Since tobacco companies don’t advertise on television the antismoking companies already have a huge step ahead. More people than past decades have access to television and see these advertisements more than the ones tobacco companies post at businesses that sell tobacco products.
Most people just walk right on by those kinds of ads with no idea that they are even there. Truth is an antitobacco company campaign that has really gotten people’s attention. They aren’t antismoker or prosmoker, they’re simply laying out the facts for citizens around the world. They want people to be aware of how harmful their “cool” habit really is. Because of their facts and advertising of these facts they’ve saved us as much as $5. 4 billion in added health care costs in the first two years of their campaign.
Fig. 1 Short message about ammonia in cigarettes to increase the impact of nicotine (“The Power of Advertising”) The most commonly used advertising technique for antitobacco companies or campaigns, such as Truth, would be facts and figures. They use facts to let people know what they are actually ingesting when they are smoking. Tobacco companies using an advertising technique called card stacking and truth does the exact opposite when using facts and figures to get their point across.
Truth exposes tobacco companies for what they are and lets people know the real negative effects smoking has.
An example of this technique is shown in Figure 1. Another technique used in Figure 1 would be color. The color orange seems to tint the entire picture. Why the orange tint? The answer is simple. Orange is used to heal lungs and increase energy levels (Color Psychology). How perfect for an antismoking ad, such as the one shown in Figure 1. Smoking damages your lungs and can be the cause of other diseases, so the olor orange is quite ideal. The arrangement of the words in the ad featured in Figure 1 was ideal. How many people go to the bathroom and don’t wipe? Nobody, exactly! Everyone would see that if that were to truly be advertised on toilet paper. Silly but true. Also the white color of the toilet paper and the black words on it make them stand out more. It sort of just draws your attention right to it. Another technique that organizations, like Truth, use is called a simple solution.
As shown in Figure 2 smoking kills, therefore, if you don’t want to die, don’t smoke. To them it’s a simple solution. Fig. 2 The effect of the woman smoking is shown through the smoke noose around her neck. (“Creative and Clever”) The color technique is again used in Figure 2. The picture is very dark, it’s completely grayscaled. The color gray means detached, impartial, neutral, or indecisive (Color Psychology). The picture however is on the dark side.
The more it gets darker the more mysterious and dramatic it is. This is displayed by how the smoke forms a noose around the woman’s head. She’s smoking but what she doesn’t know is the more and more she puffs the closer she is getting to death. Another technique that goes along with the last example would be weasel words. In Figure 2, the words at the bottom of the ad say “Kill A Cigarette and Save A Life. Yours. ” Weasel words means using words to suggest a positive meaning.
Just because you smoke does that mean you’re going to die? Of course not. The words were placed in the ad to give a little more dramatic effect to the message they’re trying to portray. About 19 percent of all adults in the United States were current smokers in 2011 (Centers for Disease). That is about 43. 8 billion people in the United States who reported to have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime, and who at the time of the interview, reported to have smoked on a regular basis.
Every day about one thousand people under the age of 18 become daily cigarette smokers (Substance Abuse). From that information you can infer that the percentage of all adults that smoke today is most likely more than 20 percent. Tobacco companies use many forms of advertising techniques to get their customers and the antismoking or antitobacco companies and campaigns use the opposite techniques. They use facts and statistics to get their point across. They want people to know what they are actually doing when they smoke a cigarette.
That is their main purpose as an organization or company and that is also their main technique for advertising against tobacco and smoking. I believe that the audience these type of organization is trying to spread their message to would be anyone over the age of 18 that’s legal to smoke. They want to get a message out and expose tobacco companies for what they really are. They just want the truth to be known and for people to be educated about what they are really doing.
They aren’t trying to make people quit smoking or bash tobacco companies. They just want to make people more aware of how harmful smoking really is. It’s like how your parents tell you not to do something. Does that mean you’re not going to do it? It makes you want to do it more. They don’t necessarily agree with your actions and you may not realize what you are really doing when doing certain things. Your parents just try to educate you and make you aware of your actions and what the consequences could