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How to Find a Subject for an Essay

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Finding an interesting subject is maybe the hardest part of writing an essay. You want to make a great essay and impress someone, but there are so many subjects that you don’t know which one you should choose. It’s driving you insane and in the mean time your friends find great subjects, while you still look at a blank paper. So this essay is going to help you with finding an interesting subject.

First of all, it’s sensible to consult a news site. If you write an essay about something that recently occurred, it will mostly succeed. Of course the subject needs to address to the audience. Talking about the new album of Mumford & Sons to your grandmother doesn’t work, but talking about the budget cuts in healthcare will interest them. So keep that in mind.

Secondly, it may help you when you just think about what you did last week. It could inspire you. Maybe you have seen a great movie, which you can’t stop talking about to your friends. Or you think that the fundraiser of the local church deserves some more attention. Perhaps you got a terrible haircut and want to write an essay about the incompetence of your hairdresser. Well, you can. It’s al possible to write about. Sometimes the ordinary could be interesting.

Thirdly, you can think about something that you find interesting. If you have seen ten documentaries about sharks, you know your business. People will notice your enthusiasm when you talk about an interest of yours. If you talk about a subject that doesn’t address you, it won’t address your readers. So don’t think to much about what the readers may think, choose something that fits you.

Lastly, it’s wise to think outside the box. Be creative. Some subjects are used to frequently that the essay is getting unattractive to read. Let’s take as an example the death penalty, when you type the words death penalty and essay on Google you get about 8 million hits. If you type toothpaste and essay you only get 600.000 hits. That doesn’t mean you need to write an essay about toothpaste, but the point is that there are subjects, which are used less often.

Hopefully this essay did help you find a good subject. Just try to remember that the subject needs to appeal to the audience and to you. Try to find an original subject and be creative. Maybe it helps when you choose something out of the everyday life. Make sure that you find the subject interesting too, the audience will notice that. If you have a good subject, you have an easier job with writing the essay.

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