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Industries: Boon or a Bane

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Good morning to one all, respected judges, teachers and all my dear friends. Today I have the proud privilege to stand before you and share my views on the topic “ARE INDUSTRIES A BOON OR BAIN”. Today our world is living in the 21st century which we can say as the decade of progress and development. And in this, industries are one of them who have given a great contribution in the success inmost of the field which leads to our progress. The progress of a country’s is to a great extent is measured by its industrial development. To be a strong power in the world, a country needs to be industrially advanced too. Although agriculture has its own importance and provides the basic necessities of life, but it alone cannot take a country forward. Even to modernize and improve agriculture, industrialization is necessary. The modern equipment that is used by farmers is produced by industries. Industries in India contribute to more than half of the national income; items of daily use like toothpaste, soaps, processed foods, medicines, etc. are manufactured by industries. The population of India is so large that we need many such industries to produce enough material so that things are available in plenty and at reasonable prices.

Goods can be exported after they are manufactured in various industries. If quality is maintained by the manufacturers, the reputation of Indian industries would be high. Goods should be highly sophisticated so that they capture world market. To survive in the world, every country needs to be noticed and respected for what it produces and contributes to the world market. Cars and electronics manufactured in Japan have created uproar in the world. Their high quality is greatly applauded and Japan has almost become a super power in the world because of its advanced industrial development. Industries also serve a country in times of war. In this nuclear age, unless a country has war-based industries, it cannot survive in the world. The only thing that has to be looked after is the pollution that results from industrialization. The government must also keep this in mind, and we as citizens of India too must guard against polluting our air to dangerous limits So, I whole heartedly conclude that the according to me, indutries are a boon rather than a curse for the human society and the only medium towards the progress of the whole nation and world-wide.

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