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Working In Business Argumentative

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The purpose of this portfolio is to reflect on my effectiveness based on the activities conducted in lectures, tutorials and my experiences in the group presentation task in order to help me learn from the experience.

This portfolio will be divided into three sections, which are intrapersonal effectiveness, interpersonal effectiveness and organisational effectiveness. For each section, I will describe the experience, reflect on it , link it with theory and finally to determine what I intend to do in order to improve my effectiveness. the cultural or social implications ill all be focused.

On the other hand, Learning Style Profiler , my team management style and networking & mentoring will be focused in each different section.



Intrapersonal effectiveness can be defined as understanding yourself and your goals, strengths, weaknesses, style, biases and improving self-management skills, such as time management and stress management (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd and Schneider, 2006, p. 3).

In this section, my Learning Style Profiler will be presented. The Learning Style Profiler provides a measure of self-development learning based on a neuropsychological model in which learning is divided into instinctive and conscious learning (Jackson, C. J., 2011).The purpose of the Learning styles profiler is to get more understanding about my learning style and lead to self-development learning.

Learning Styles of HSIAO YUNG HUA











According to the results in regard of my strengths and weaknesses, first of all , as a strong sensation seeker, I will be engrossed in initiating learning opportunities and tries to get involved in all that life has to offer. In addition, new learning experiences are always welcomed but only when my attention to previous activity is beginning to wane. Secondly, as a strong goal oriented achiever, I have lots of self-confidence and I know that success is come from the goal setting. Satisfaction however tends to be contingent upon goal success so I will likely have a general need to succeed in order to stay happy (Jackson, C.J., 2011). Thirdly, as a medium emotionally intelligent achiever, I tend to approach problems solving with moderate levels of detachment, scientific thought and logic in my life. Although I have learnt to be relatively logical and rational in decision-making, I am also a bit dependent on intuitive solutions, or simply is a bit reliance on colleagues.

As a result, I don’t always independently question the basic issues in a scientific and logical way which would lead to a completely rational approach (Jackson, C.J., 2011). Fourthly, as a high conscientious achiever, I tend to be a responsible and wise person and I prefer to consider all the options before reach a final decision. In addition, I am not a fan of rushing into things, I would prefer to sit back and observe the situation first. Lastly, as an average deep learning achiever, I am a hands-on person and like to put ideas into action. I can be intolerant of long-winded ventures at times, but also have the capacity for patience and for well thought out but sometimes impractical ideas (Jackson, C.J., 2011).

These results are consistent with my own experience in BSB124; As I usually come up with an impractical ideas during the group meeting , a bit reliance on my group mates because Chinese culture tends to be collectivism and no patient to tolerant of long-winded staff.

Thus, as a professional goal I aim to improve my weaknesses of my learning styles there are several actions will be taken. First of all, if next time there is a problem, I will think twice before come up with a idea or solution. Secondly, I will try to handle the work and issue by myself and become more independent in the workplace instead of reliance on colleagues. Finally, I will try to be more patient in order to tolerant of long-winded stuff in the future.


Interpersonal effectiveness is about the critical skills needed to interact with business associated, classmates, friends, loved ones ,people you do not know and communicating with those people in a variety of situations and overcoming any challenges (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd and Schneider 2006, p. 107)

In this section, Dutch test for conflict handling and reflection on interaction within my BSB124 team in this semester will be presented. In general, conflict is the expressed struggle of interconnected parties who perceive incompatible goals and interference from each other in attaining those goals (Dono-hue & Kolt, 1992; Wilmot & Hocekr, 2001). Thus Researchers have identified five conflict handling styles, and the Dutch test for the extent to assess both an individual’s intended actions and actual actions in a conflict situation (de Dreu, Evers, Beersma, Kluwer, & Nauta, 2001)






According to the result of Dutch test for conflict handling, I have strong preference for all of the conflict handling styles except for forcing. In short, it means I am not that kind of person that will try to win the conflict at the other’s expense, I more preferred yielding, compromising, avoiding and problem solving. These results are again consistent with my experiences in BSB124.

With regard of interactions within my BSB124 team this semester. Our group is formal group that officially created by the BSB124 and purpose of this group is to do a professional presentation. Our group is a multicultural group; each member has different nationality, cultural background and different first language. On the other hand, our team has six people; Kelvin, Coco, Shousen, Steward and Cathline, they are from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia.

I was expected that we would get the work done smoothly, well-planned workload for each member and come out with better and more ideas. Because group members come from a host a different culture, they often are able to create a greater number of unique solutions and recommendations (Fred, Luthans., & Joanthan, P. Doh , 2009). But when I recall my actual experience, it doesn’t really reach my expectation. There were a little conflicts occurred during the process of collaboration within my BSB124 team, first of all, during our group meeting, all of us except for Kelvin and Cathline were all shy to speak up and give recommendations which lead our team lack of cohesion and creativity. Secondly, the problem was Kelvin and Cathline have a strong inaccurate bias, for example, they don’t really divide much workload for Coco, Shousen and I because we don’t often speak up during our meeting.

It really made us felt uncomfortable and I thought they had underestimate my capability. As Asian cultures tend to prefer non-confrontational conflict styles, as a result tend to react defensively when confronted in conflict situations (Rahim & Blum, 1991) and I am not that kind of person that will try to win the conflict at the other’s expense so I pretend nothing and asked them why without showing any emotion. That was the outcome when culturally diverse groups come together, they often bring preconceived stereotypes with them (Fred, Luthans., & Joanthan, P. Doh, 2009). Apart from the conflict mentioned, everything was going well and we had a excellent presentation.

In this experience I don’t felt like I was part of this group and their underestimation was a bit hurt my self-esteem. Therefore I decided to use this experience to improve my interpersonal effectiveness.

Thus, as a professional goal I aim to improve my weaknesses of my conflict handling styles there are several actions will be taken. First of all, I will try to get involved in team discussion and give ideas, opinions and put ideas into action in order to remove the preconceived stereotypes. Moreover, as multicultural teams are those which have found ways of integrating the contributions of their members and have learned to find solutions that add value due to their diversity not in spite of it (Strachan, G. French, E., and Burgess, J. ,2009), I will do my best to boost the group cohesion and found a good way to integrate our members in the future.


Organisational culture is the basic pattern of shared assumptions, values and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on problems and opportunities facing the organisation. It defines what is important and unimportant in the company (McShane & Travaglione, 2007).

In this section, reflection will be focused on networking and mentoring. It can be a key to both personal and professional growth (Tarnowska & Singleton, 2010) and linking a more experienced member of staff with a less experienced member of staff to enable sharing of experience, knowledge and skills (Dessler, Griffiths & Lloyd-Walker, 2004).

As my networking style tend to be a ‘User’, I prefer to collects large volumes of business cards without really connecting with the actual person, try to make sales or pitches even on the first encounter and talk a lot about agenda rather than gathering information (Unknown,2009). However, when I recall my experience within my BSB124 team, it really match my networking style. During the interaction with my group members, I don’t really interacted with group mates, I just want to get my presentation done and get a good marks. On the other hand, language is kind of the issue because as an international student , I only feel comfortable when I use my first language to communicate with others. Moreover, as I don’t really interact with my group mates, therefore I don’t have a mentor so I didn’t get any advising, role modeling, sharing contacts and support which made me felt alone when a problem occur.

Thus, as a professional goal I aim to improve my weaknesses of my organisational effectiveness, there are several actions will be taken.First of all, I will engage in a ‘builder’ style of networking as builder are effective networkers who have a genuine interest in others and work to maintain contacts. Secondly, I will try not to be shy to talk to someone who doesn’t speak my first language and try to use English to interact more with them. Thirdly, as I don’t have a mentor, so I would find a mentor. When selecting a mentor I would look for someone who has good personality and experienced in business as my goal is to become a successful business man. On the other hand, I will join the Business and management student association in Qut, it enable me to enhancing the leadership, management skill and business knowledge and also give me the opportunity to find someone who wish to act as a mentor.


To sum it up. In order to improve my intrapersonal ,interpersonal and organizational effectiveness, following action must be taken.

For intrapersonal effectiveness, first of all, I will try to have a brainstorming first before come up with a solution. Secondly, I will try to handle the work and issue by myself and become more independent in the workplace instead of reliance on colleagues. Finally, I will try to be more patient in order to tolerant of long-winded stuff in the future.

For interpersonal effectiveness. First of all, I will try to get involved in team discussion and give ideas, opinions and put ideas into action in order to remove the preconceived stereotypes. Secondly , I will do my best to boost the group cohesion and found a good way to integrate our members in the future.

For organizational effectiveness, First of all, I will interact more with my group mates and also keep in touch in the future to establish good relationship. Secondly, I will try not to be shy to talk to someone who doesn’t speak my first language and try to use English to interact more with them. Thirdly, I will find a mentor, when selecting a mentor I would look for someone who has good personality and experienced in business as my goal is to become a successful business man. On the other hand, I will join the Business and management student association in QUT, it enable me to enhancing the leadership, management skill and business knowledge and also give me the opportunity to find someone who wish to act as a mentor.

I believe that if I implement those actions it will enabled me to perform more effectively in my future.


Jackson, C.J . (2011). _Learning Style Software_. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from http://www.cymeon.com/cgi-bin/LSPI_UK3_v6.exe?indx=1359&fname=Hsiao+Yung+Hua

Jackson, C. J. (2009). _Using the hybrid model of learning in personality to predict performance in the workplace_. 8 th IOP Conference, Conference Proceedings, Manly, Sydney, Australia, 2528

June, 2009 pp 7579.

De Janasz, S., Wood, G., Gottschalk, L., Dowd, K., and Schneider, B. (2006). Interpersonal Skills in Organisations. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw Hill

Dono-hue & Kolt, 1992; Wilmot & Hocekr, 2001

C. K. W. de Dreu, A. Evers, B. Beersma, E. S. Kluwer, and A. Nauta, (2001). “A Theory-based Measure of Conflict Management Strategies in the Workplace, ” Journal of organizational behavior, 22 , 645-68.

Rahim & Blum (1991). _Ting-Toomey et al_

Fred, Luthans., & Joanthan, P. Doh. (2009). International Management: culture,strategy and behaviour _(7th edtion, pp.174.175 )._ Americas, New York, NY

Malhotra, J. (2009). _Organisational effectiveness_. Retrieved October 22, 2011 from http://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/70027-Organisational-effectiveness.aspx

Strachan, G. French, E., and Burgess, J. (2009). _Managing Diversity in Australia Theory and Practice._ AUS: McGraw Hill, pp.241

McShane & Travaglione (2007). Organisational Culture_. Chapter_ Sixteen, _pp.498_

Tarnowska, I., & Singleton, T. (2010). Take Networking to the Next Level. _Strategic Finance_, _91_(8), 19-20,61. Retrieved February 18, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1964330841).

Dessler, G., Griffiths, J. & Lloyd-Walker, b. (2004). _Human Resource Management 2e_. French Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia, pp.308

Unknown. (2009). AIM national networking week Management Today, August (57),pp.14-15

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