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Analysis of the custody of the pumpkin

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Analysis of the Custody od the Pumpkin

The Custody of the Pumpkin falls in the genre of comic fiction. PG Wodehouse is famous for his involved plots where layer upon layer of complications unfold. Here there are only three problems – Freddie’s engagement to Aggie, McAllister’s departure and Lord Emsworth’s likely arrest for removing flowers. Symbolism

Blandings Castle can be taken as a symbol for the life of the rich landed gentry in England where none of the inhabitants had to earn a living. Wodehouse uses irony, tone, repetition, hyperbole, contrast, and benign conflict in creating Lord Emsworth and Angus so that they are as interesting and colorful as they are. irony often underpins the occupations of Lord Emsworth. For instance, he may be described as being “in conference,” which is a serious occupation. The subject of the conference is then revealed as something so greatly elevated as that of sweet peas. This strategy creates irony. Irony of this sort, which is mixed with a playful narratorial tone, lends color to the character involved.

The narrator’s tone, which is richly filtered through the author’s voice (similar to the way Austen’s narratorial tone is marked by her own voice), is light and playful–almost lilting. This tone is developed through employing literary techniques of assonance and repetition. Lord Emsworth’s and Angus’s names are demonstrative of assonance. Lord Emsworth’s proper title is Earl of Emsworth; both parts begin… Ways That Wodehouse Used To Create The Humour

obsession, Ambition,priority
social class difference
sarcasm and humour
Ways that creates the humour:
Use of similes:(like an elderly leopard, like a fish, like a setter… etc.) It helps to understand the characters better by indirect characterization. Character’s actions and emotions are explained. It also creates the tone and mood. Narration: Third person omniscient limited

It is useful for characterization. We can easily understand Lord’s attitude towards son. It creates the protagonist and it helps us to understand Lord’s thoughts and effects on the other characters better. Diction: showing the class difference

It is useful for characterization. The category difference between the characters are outstanding. Repetition and exaggeration is also used to create the humuor. Setting: It changes throughout the story. (Imagery)

With the help of diction and imagery, setting is created. Imagery is used here because ıt helps to understand and think about the story better.

As the tone and mood is humorous, it creates the humour. It is created by character’s actions. İrony:
Ironies also help the reader to think about the story, to feel the story and to feel the humour. PLOT:
This story is about a Lord, who just thinks of his pumpkins, instead of his son. English upper-class society reflects the author’s birth, education and youthful writing career. Lord Emsworth, the protagonist sees his son kissing a girl who is the cousin of his head-gardener. He immediately fires his gardener and the girl. Then he regrets about it and goes to London to take him back. When he goes there he gets humiliated by the crowd. He meets with the girl’s father, MR. Donalson. Mr. Donaldson sais that he loved Lord’s son and want to take him to America to work with him. Lord Emsworth accepts it and he gets happy that his son is going away. After that, his head-gardener Angus comes back and they win a prize in a pumpkin competition.

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