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How to make paragraph outlines in research essays?

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Do you want to get “A” for your text and to get a good mark at the end of the term? Well, it is all possible if you know how to write the worksheet essay outline. Sure, accidentally, without a plan, you can gain a goal too, but who wants to have so much risk?

Even being so young, you know for sure how important is it to make a good transition from one thing to another. You have probably planned the birthday party of your friend or marked your plan due to the calendar. Or, maybe you have already planned your wedding? Why are we talking about that? For you to understand what is the outline worksheet on examples.

So, as we are now on the same page let’s continue. Paragraph outline worksheet is a thing which will help you to organize all your ideas, to put them in the right order and not to flounder between them. Worksheet essay writing will become a pleasant thing with the outline.

How the outline have to look like?

To make a good text, you have to know how to make the outline properly. Now, you will see the easiest outline sample of essay outline worksheet which has to be written as a five paragraph essay.

1.The introduction

  • To begin with …

2.The body paragraph one

  • The first and very important detail is …

3.The body paragraph two

  • The most important idea is …

4.The body paragraph three

  • The last but not the least argument is …

5.The conclusion

  • To sum it all up…

Here you can see that each essay can consist of three main positions: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Three body paragraphs is a must have thing in the text, so pay attention
to have a corresponding quantity of arguments. All those recommendations will fit any kind of the essay: narrative essay, argumentative essay, expository essay, descriptive essay and so on. You can structure your essay the way you want to but always adhere to the paragraph essay outline.

I. The introductory paragraph should have the following peculiarities to be successful:

  • It has to grab people’s attention, so start writing with a strong hook sentence, and it will help you for sure.
  • After the hook sentence you have to mention the topic sentence but paraphrasing it. After that write up to four supported sentences, but do not make any summarizing in the introduction! Who will continue reading if the problem of the text; a topic is solved at the very beginning?
  • But don’t forget to write a closing sentence of the introduction, which is not the same as the summary.

II.The body

  • The body paragraph is a very important part. It always consists of the three paragraphs, so make sure you don’t forget to decide which three strong arguments you will use and how you will support them.

III.The conclusion

  • This essay paragraph will summarize all the main things of the text. Mention the thesis statement; make clear all the unanswered questions. This section has to repeat the topic sentence, thesis statement, main arguments, but of course everything in other words.

As you see, writing five body paragraphs will become very easy with the outline.

Why you should develop the five paragraph outline?

It is not easy to sit and write a text without preparation or plan, at least you are a genius, and then, yes, you can. Any five paragraph essay should consist of the thesis statement, topic sentences and a list of information that you have to write in the text.

So, the more details you mention in your outline essay, the biggest chances are to make a good text. Despite creating an essay outline which is a very easy task, you have to understand clearly why is it needed. Check out these main ideas:

  • A well-made outline worksheet will help you to give the readers a full picture of what will be going on in the text. It offers the main thing – a structure which will show that the essay has logic and good transitions between the introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion. So, they will never get confused.
  • Of course, it is even not a question that it will help you to make fluent shift-over all the paragraphs. It is like a visual map of the text.
  • It is not up to debate that an essay outline saves time. While you have made it, you will increase the speed of the writing process, and writing skills will increase as well.

To sum it up, we believe that all this information will help you to increase the level of writing. Never forget to make outlines if you want to succeed in getting “A” mark.

Essay Outline Worksheet

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