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Public Health Persuasive

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To pass this criteria I have to describe the key aspects of public health in a borough within the UK, The key aspects to public health that I am going to describe are; monitoring health status of the community, identifying the public health needs, understanding the origins and development of public health systems, developing programs to reduce the risks to public health, the environmental conditions such as housing- unemployment- education- living and working condition, policies and procedures which promotes public health, improving the health of the population and improve services within the public health sector. The borough of Croydon has a large increase of teenage pregnancy.

Monitoring the health status of community, the borough will be monitored to be made aware of the increase in teenage pregnancy. There are a number of different ways to monitor a community such as a leaflet and health promotions, this will help the monitoring process to ensure that the strategies that are put in place are being effective, the main reasons why the health status will be monitored to ensure that the community can be made aware of the potential problems and health risks.

Indentify the health needs of the populations, at this point the government would be able to analyse whether or not the programs are proven to be effective. If they are not showing drastic changes in the borough of Croydon they should seek out alternatives such as; offering birth control, distribution of free condoms and promoting safe sex.

The development of programmes this is where the government will try and reduce the level of teenage pregnancy throughout the borough of Croydon. They would also highlight and target the main people at risk such as running workshops in schools and colleges.

Controlling communicable disease is where the government would try and reduce the risks of teenage pregnancy by again running workshops and offer sessions on safe sex to different age groups, another way of the government trying to reduce the number of teenage pregnancy in the borough of Croydon would be to distribute free condoms to all pupils in their last few years of school and throughout the colleges.

Promoting the health of the population the government would run a number of health promotion sessions and encourage people to attend so they can gain the correct knowledge on safe sex, it would also be beneficial if they could manage to organise a group of young mothers to attend the support groups and give advice about how they found there pregnancy and birth and the struggles they have gone through.

Planning and evaluating the provision of health and social care is where the government would assess the provisions that they have put in place to make the sufficient changes to the issue. They would assess whether or not the classes and support sessions are available to all teenagers and if not they would seek to find alternatives.

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