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What is the methodological research papers?

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It is an essential step while approaching the compilation of research paper is the choice of the research methodology. The methodological research papers base comprises a set of methods that were used by a student in the process of preparation of a specific academic paper. In this section, a student has to describe and discuss all the methods that were applied in the process of investigation of a specific problem or phenomenon.

This section also portrays the reasoning of usage of certain techniques in the process of studying of the chosen issue. It allows the target audience to evaluate the overall readability and credibility of the whole research paper as well as its validity. While compiling the methodology section, a writer has to focus on two basic statements. They will serve as a guide. One may discuss how the data for the research paper was gathered and generated as well as how the analysis was conducted.

Exist various types of research methodologies, and the task of a student is to pick the most suitable of them. The proper method is of the utmost importance as it directly influences the results of research. A credible and exact technique allows receiving a valid result. It positively influences the quality of a paper. A student should also be aware of the fact that it is necessary to motivate the choice of a certain technique or procedure using the relevant and persuasive arguments. It is essential to bear in mind that the target reader wants to be aware of the substantial reasons explaining why specific methodology was applied. That is why one needs to motivate and prove one’s choice. It is essential to present sufficient info allowing the target reader to approve the selection of the writer of the research paper.

Types of research methods

Exists several main types of research methods. They are the most widely used by authors of research papers. According to the most general classification, exist two main groups. These are the empirical-analytical group and interpretative group. The first block of methods is usually applied for studying social issues. It focuses mainly on the objective knowledge. It implies deductive reasoning. It means that a student uses existing theoretical base, which serves as a basis for the formulation of hypothesis. It is more aimed at explanation. The second branch of methods focuses on enabling you to recognize your connection to the phenomena under investigation.

Apart from those, exists also quantitative and qualitative methodology. They depend on the kind of data you are going to collect. It implies statistics and countings. This method allows to verify quantitative data and is exact. Qualitative methods are applied when the writer needs to understand something, clarify details, question beliefs, and values. It is also possible to blend qualitative and quantitative methods using complex approach.

Research methodology example

It is essential for a student working on a compilation of the methodology section of a research paper to consult research methodology example. It will help to see, how the guidelines and rule should be applied in practice. Here are some useful tips based on the example of the methodology section.

  1. Each methodology section should start with the introduction. An intro should comprise into which make the target reader familiar with teh topic of research and explains the central premises of the study. You need to present the methods that you used to gather the info for the research. You also need to mention whether the method you apply is traditional in a specific field or you do an experiment.
  2. Next, you need to present the info describing your overall approach. Give an extensive explanation so that the target reader understands everything. Indicate how the technique helps to investigate the main problem.
  3. Discuss the primary methods, which you are going to use. Mention some info about each of those.
  4. Provide the explanation to the target audience concerning the methods you are going to use while analyzing the results. Prove your choice with the persuasive arguments.
  5. Bear in mind that you need to provide background info for your target readers. As is often the case, people may be unfamiliar with the field of research you are working in. That is why you need to include some basic facts enabling the readers to get a general understanding.
  6. Avoid the implementation of the irrelevant details and overloading of the methodological papers with unnecessary info.

Structure of Research Papers

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