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A Bran Nue Dae Film Review

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Some of the features were the unexpected plot twists throughout the entire movie, the uniqueness of the movie as there is no other movie that could compare to it and the significance of the scenes with the Aboriginals standing up for their rights and opinions. One particular aspect within “Bran Nun Dad” was the interpretation of the Aboriginal characters and as the movie progressed the stereotypical views of them started to disappear. Throughout the movie there were some negative things that were present within it.

Some of these were how the songs would just randomly begin and could make a certain scene loose its significance and meaning, the plot itself seemed to be a bit predictable and disappointing until a plot-twist occurred. The ending of the movie I found confusing and a cliche©. Although there were a few negative aspects present in the movie I still believe it was a successful movie and quite enjoyable. “A Bran Nun Dad” had many key characters that made it more enticing and without them it would have been missing a great deal of charisma.

Each character brought a new set of personality to the film and made every bit more entertaining. The leading protagonist was Willie and I did like him but that was the director’s intension, except I found that his approach to situations quite irritating. The main antagonist of this movie was Father Benedicts and as expected his actions throughout the movie were seen as wrong. Throughout Willie’s journey more key characters appear such as Uncle Tadpole, Wolfgang and also Annie. Within the movie there is a love interest between Rosier and Willie and it does become complicated.

In my opinion believe that the actors and actresses all portray their characters wonderfully ND are easy to relate to. The characters within “Bran Nun Dad” were a major part in what made the movie so successful and engaging. I believe that “Bran Nun Dad” is a good movie and shows the importance of culture within society today. I would recommend this movie to any families or anyone that would like to learn about some Australian culture. It is a very entertaining movie and I can guarantee it will make you laugh. It may not have the best story line but it is still an all-round good movie. I give “Bran Nun Dad” a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.

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