A Synopsis of the Movie Citizen Kane
- Pages: 1
- Word count: 239
- Category: College Example
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Order NowIt is believed that this artifact was just an allusion to the only time Mr.. Kane (Arson Wells) was truly happy in his childhood. Think this is a significant item because growing up he got everything he wanted then lost it, but this particular item he did not get it back. The sled reminded him of his younger days of happiness and innocence when he was with his parents before they were taken away from him. In the movie, “Rosebud” is the trade name of a cheap little sled on which Kane was playing on the day he was taken way from his home.
This was the final word for Mr.. Kane while holding a snow globe before his death in the movie. In this end scene those who saw the movie saw no significance to the meaning of this scene or the title of the snow sled. Until one journalist researched its meaning in Mr.. Cane’s life and brought new life to its understanding. Nowadays Rosebud is called one of films most evocative objects in new books right in front of Dorothy Ruby’s slippers and Dirty Harry . 44 magnum.