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Going on Movie Reveiw

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The initial box office kook off at 22 million in its first weekend. It later ended with nearly 60 million at the domestic box office and became the fifth biggest DVD rental of the year (Michael,Shaman). The film’s success granted it a re-release in 2006 allowing it to be a fun and flirty edition with a special package. In 1987, Jean Rink is a thirteen-year-old in her awkward stage of life. She allows popular girls to push her around because she has longed to be just like them. She invites them over for her birthday party, and they talk her into playing even minutes in heaven.

They play a dirty prank on her. Then Jean is cruel to her only true friend, Matt, who would bend over backwards to do anything for Jean. Jean’s one wish is to be thirty, or in Jean’s words “thirty, flirty, and thriving. ” Thirty is just what Jean got for her birthday. She was not aware she had been sprinkled with magic dust until she wakes up in New York City and is not in her lanky teenage body anymore. After waking up, she realizes that is now 2004, and she is in the middle of her future life. Jean finds out that thirty is not what it is put out to be.

Although, Jean is a big time editor of the Poise magazine, has a hot, sporty boyfriend, and is rich; she realizes she has lost a lot getting there. Unfortunately, Jean no longer keeps in touch with her family, has cheated her way to the top, and has not talked to her best friend, Matt, since the night of her thirteenth birthday. Jean soon finds out that her life as a thirty year old is not what she had hoped for. After tracking down the now adult Matt, her attempt of renewing their ironsides is not as easy as she had hoped.

Although Matt has no interest in forgetting the past, Jean does not give up because he is the only true friend she has ever had. Finding out that Matt is engaged is the last thing that Jean wanted to hear, but she does not let that get in her way of making him fall in love with her. Now, Jean must find a way to put her life back together before she loses everything her life consisted of at thirteen. Thirteen Going on Thirty is vaunted and hilarious. As far as the acting, the main character Jean Rink, played y Jennifer Garner, does a phenomenal job portraying a thirteen year old stuck in a thirty-year-old body.

Her innocence is very funny and convincing. Garner was nominated for MET and Teen Choice awards for her role as Jean Rink. Anyone that lived in the ass’s should consider buying the soundtrack released with Thirteen Going on Thirty. Some of the greatest hits were included in this film, such as music from Rick Springfield Ceases Girl), Vanilla Ice (Ice Ice Baby), and Michael Jackson, (Thriller). The upbeat music leaves you singing along as you are watching the film. Although, the plot leaves you watching without looking away from beginning to end, it is a little cliche©.

The same thoughts and ideas are portrayed in films like Freaky Friday and Mean Girls. The idea of changing bodies is much like the film Freaky Friday. While the six chicks popular group of girls is much like the plastics in Mean Girls. Thirteen Going on Thirty is a chick flick that all girls and women will love. Also, any woman that grew up in the ass’s will appreciate it even more because she will identify the thirty year old lifestyle, the fashion trends, and the superb untraced that will give her a flashback from the ass’s.

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