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Eddie- tells Nett that the Bejewel- Petersen act is a law “.. Kill us all off Eddie meets the lawyers and finds out the case is broke and they apply for legal aid. 1986- Eddie returns to Murray Island for the court case to hear evidence Murray Island council reject his application to join the council ( he hasn’t lived there for 30 years) In the SLD Supreme Court we learn details of Eddies heritage and family history The case runs out of money again, but the Attorney General’s office funds a high court challenge of the Bejewel- Petersen act.

They find the act unconstitutional and they can return to SLD to continue the Murray land rights claim SLD Court again Kilogram tries to get Eddie to withdraw from the case The trial is not looking promising for him, there is a lot of evidence presented against his claim and he is made to look greedy, dishonest and arrogant on the stand under cross examination. At home Eddie is preoccupied with the case- this leads to violence when Nett dares to ask what if he loses. Dave Pass returns to the case

Justice Monomania finds in favor of the Pass brothers, but not the Mambo claim Eddie is now faced with a choice: 1. Appeal his own case OR 2. Pursue it in the High Court in a case that will be ‘about all Blackwell’s’ He chooses to go to the High Court, he asks if his name will still be on the case. The case is won. However, Eddie died 5 months before the final decision.

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