Analysis of the Dark Knight film

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Order NowThe Dark Knight is a legendary film. Plot of the film and scenery are based on comics and this genre is called comic book movie. It is an interpretation of world through the prism of comics’ heroes – it is a world where there are its nuances, which are outside the law, and rules. In world, there are specific social and political problems. Exists special relationship between people –main heroes of the movie. Conventionalism and illogicality today are left to real world and real politics; superheroes from any comic book act according to human laws. The characters are colorful and enhance idea of the film.
Film produced Christopher Nolan. It describes the world, which is changing; Bruce Wayne’s office is no longer located in old building constructed in late 50’s. Now, on the beginning the modern house appears. It is of luxurious design with concrete walls and a lot of glass. Everyday life job of Bruce Wayne lies in the preparation of governmental contracts, and, as it turned out later, these contracts have to supply government with up-to-date technologies that will allow keeping tabs on humanity. These technologies are so terrible that even Fox intends to leave Wayne’s company.
Events of comic book movie are concentrated around Harvey Dent and Maroni, which is ringleader, of already an international, well-organized criminal community who came after Falcone. If there is a Batman in city, the Maroni affairs are relatively not bad. However, during last year, leader of Maroni encountered an obstacle in person of district attorney Harvey Dent, for which latter person received nickname – Gotham’s White Knight. Here we see that law founds its manifestation in the person of Harvey Dent. Harvey Dent has nothing to incriminate Maroni.
In scene with dinner at a restaurant, Bruce Wayne promises Harvey Dent to arrange an extraordinary banquet in his honor, to which Harvey Dent responds that banquet will be inappropriate if Harvey Dent will not be re-elected for next term. Bruce Wayne promises his patronage to Harvey Dent in the matter of re-election for next term.
Gordon and Harvey plan an operation to intercept money deposits of Maroni. One of Maroni’s partners announces to criminal community emergency export of funds to a secret place, and he escapes to China. It is same Chinese person, who was planning a deal with Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne refused to sign this deal. It was only the pretending of transaction – the purpose is to find out amount of money that Chinese man possesses. Chinese person offered Bruce Wayne money of the criminal community Maroni. He was trying to steal this sum from Maroni and company. Arises question whether Chinese represent interests of the entire Maroni criminal community through Chinese firm. Bruce Wayne goes to China and delivers Chinese man to the US, where latter gives evidence against Maroni. Harvey Dent accused Maroni in racket. There is an usual reason to believe that Bruce Wayne is using Harvey Dent, not directly, but systematically to liquidate the criminal Maroni community.
Like with Falcone, Bruce Wayne sets himself task to eliminate criminal Maroni community. It is a thievish and anarchic element of the society. It may seem simple, but there is no coincidence that Harvey Dent incriminated Maroni racket. This circumstance explains existence of a huge amount of money in the Maroni community the crime of which was nothing more than collecting money from a bunch of businessmen. If fees were colossal, why did not people in business turn to police to help? It may mean that a very ambiguous situation has developed in Gotham.
Maroni’s criminal activity was to some extent justified by that layer of society that did not want to justify business elite led by Bruce Wayne. Why, when Harvey Dent notified Mayor of city that intended to arrest Maroni, one of the Mayor’s aides warned him that he should not do this? Probably, the argument was in favor of the fact that many citizens were more keen on catching Batman than arresting Maroni. Because Maroni’s activities delayed creation of Bruce Wayne’s powerful and monolithic business community. Public reaction shows that the show of Harvey Dent is cool, but public did not hate Maroni. At a press conference of Harvey Dent, journalists representing public, in one voice demanded to capture of Batman.
Behind the scene, events of a political nature take place. Government orders of Bruce Wayne were associated with developments that allow global surveillance of humanity. It is possible that ultimate goal of Bruce Wayne could be establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship on the Earth. What is more, Bruce Wayne intensively prepared all the necessary conditions to establish dictatorship. In the real world, similar technologies have already been introduced under the guise of fighting international terrorism.
We see that the activities of Harvey Dent are suppressing the activities of Maroni encounters. The activity of Maroni interferes with activities of Bruce Wayne in this situation. Approximately this is the situation prevailing in the film. The director of the film decided to play on human masks, and this tendency exposes the new character – the Joker.
The Joker looked like the clown and half his face – this is a sign of a demagnetized character’s organism. His mouth resembles a cannibal’s mouth and this circumstance is also confirmed by the constant chomping of the Joker. The eyes have a black color, which underlines the cloudiness of the Joker’s mind. The hair of the Joker portrayed a greenish tint, which can speak of its acid poisoning. From his clothes, we can notice a shirt, with a pattern that resembles a pattern of a nanosilver frame. We understand that digital technologies disfigure the criminal. We also notice other fact – this person does not feel pain and fear. There was a situation when Batman hit him hard enough, but the latter does not even lose consciousness and does not feel pain because he is frostbitten. The make-up of the character’s face is done in such a way as if the criminal removed the mask from his face, which had the skin on his face. We can assume this character is not in a mask, but a character with no mask.
Analyzing the activities of this person is extremely important not to become crazy, yet two English men wrote a script for this film. To explain more clearly, the activity of the Joker was expressed in making corrections in the very particular situation. As the antagonist himself said, he had no definite goals. The criminal seemed to be endowed with providential qualities, and with these qualities, he entered the game. When the Joker killed the staff of the City Hall and the police, who by their ambivalence rejected some people, they became a mafia. Next, the judge who represents the blind Themis. Then he punished the mafia, suffering from the absence of fundamental ideas. It is possible to say that the Joker struck at the foundations of society, which led this society to a dead end. The hero blows up a clinic “Dent”. It is a symbol of the fact that Harvey Dent was to be engaged in the improvement of society. The Joker and his crew could kill in turn and Harvey Dent, but the director singled Harvey Dent to the fore.
Harvey Dent in this story causes some sympathy. In my opinion, he sincerely wanted to be positive, he believed in Roman law and the letter of the law. A nickname Two-faced Harvey, is given because he had particular type of face. There are only two profiles, each of which seemed to be a separate person. The Joker’s providential influence was that Harvey Dent had the opportunity to look around, and allegorically it was that Harvey had lost his second face.
And what did Harvey Dent see? That Roman law does not work, that with the advent of Batman, Babylonian law arose, in which there is no trial and effect, and the law is not capable of protecting a person’s life. From the part, Harvey Dent himself is guilty of what happened to him. He lit a Batman floodlight instead of fighting crime in the framework of the Law.
The Joker was certainly interested in who is hiding under Batman’s mask. It was a kind of sporting interest, as the Joker said, he was not interested in his death and Batman complements him. And how, the synthetic embodiment of evil could complement the Joker, which in turn is a certain principle in physics that attracts charged particles? After all, the result of this contact was the complete mutual exclusion of all particles.
There is no direct connection between Bruce Wayne and the Joker, as the Joker became the product of the system that Bruce Wayne created. Evil breeds evil. This phrase needs to be understood as not only the Joker is evil, but also that the Joker was born of evil. In this regard, we can add that in the future there may be more than one.
The film the Dark Knight can be compared with the fragments of mirrors, which are the photons. In these mirrors are visible reflections of certain characters. They say and do something, but we can not understand the general sense, because this is only part of the picture, and the characters sometimes do not know what they say and do. We need to touch these mirrors and move them so that people see the reflections of other mirrors. Only after that, we can compare the facts and find out the truth. We see a fragment in which Harvey Dent says that the Joker was released from the leash. Then, we find in this movie a splinter with the Joker, in which we look through the background of the Joker, from which it becomes clear that the Joker has become what he is as a result of the impact of digital technology on him. Next, we monitor digital technologies for their origin and understand that they are being developed by Wayne Corporation. Of course, for this we need to know how the digital technologies are arranged and by whom they are inspired, so we need to know how digital technologies affect people. Well and further, to know about Bruce Wayne, what we know.
Comic book movies allow conducting the deep analysis. They do not necessarily reflect our life, but they are factors, after realizing of which, you start to perceive the reality in which you live differently. In our life, those phenomena that are antisocial, immoral and decadent seem now to be some strange movie in which we are loaded. In the cinema, such phenomena are noir, thriller, horror, melodrama. The work written explains that it is only needed to realize this reality, and you no longer belong to it. Those who do not realize, continue to live according to the laws of the genre.
1. Nolan, Jonathan, et al. The Dark Knight. Scholastic, 2009.
2. Miller, Frank, et al. The Dark Knight. DC Comics, 1986.
3. Miller, Frank, et al. Absolute Dark Knight. DC Comics, 2006.