Complementary Therapy Treatments
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Order Now1) What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a complex body knowledge that balances the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. Feng Shui theory says that there are bad and good energy flows and can be reduced or increased depending on the way the place is decorated and the way the furniture is laid out in the room. Feng Shui is based on understanding the nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with energy.
What is the treatment process for Feng Shui?
The treatment process involves decorating your home so as to create a vibrant feeling of joy and harmony to each individual to stop the bad energy flowing or to let the bad energy get out through the doors or windows so it does not affect people living in the house. Windows are called the eyes of the home in Feng Shui and are related, on an energy level, to your ability to see clearly in life.
When would you use Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is used to promote deep relaxation and to increase energy, removing energy blocks and also reducing stress. We can learn to live in harmony with nature and use the flow of energies within it to our advantage. And what that really means to you is that the use of Feng Shui can help you take control of your life and be the best that you possibly can be.
2) What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a method of improving general health, this is done by inserting two different types of needles at the special Acupuncture points. Acupuncture points can be found all over the body but it is a very precise method and only experienced practitioners would know how to use Acupuncture to obtain the desired effects.
What is the treatment process for Acupuncture?
General improvement of health by inserting needles at the special acupuncture points and stimulating the points with heat so the base of the brain receives impulses and the body acts in a certain way to for example relieve pain. According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating these points can correct imbalances in the flow of energy (referred to as qi) through channels known as meridians.
When would you use Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves stimulating the nerves that transmit impulses to the base of the brain to relieve pain. Acupuncture can be used to treat depression; also it could be used in prevention against disease. Acupuncture stimulates the immune system, it prevents people from getting colds and flu, Acupuncture also has its benefits when used for maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle .
3) What is Reflexology?
A Reflexology theory is based on a theory that different points on feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with different areas of the body. The theory behind reflexology is that these reflex points relate to specific organs and glands in the body, and stimulating those points with finger pressure promotes health in those organs and glands via the body’s energetic pathways.
What is the treatment process for Reflexology?
Reflexology helps the body restore its balance naturally, tension may be reduced and you might feel relaxed, the treatment involves using hands to apply pressure usually on the feet. The anatomical map shows how the body systems correspond to one another. For example, on a reflexology map, the liver, which is on the right side of the body, is affected by applying pressure to the arch of the right foot. In conjunction, the left side organs of the body are targeted on the left foot.
When would you use Reflexology?
Reflexology can impact the body in a number of positive ways. Like a massage, it is a soothing experience that can induce relaxation and relieve stress. When specific reflex points are targeted correctly by a reflexologist, the patient can find relief from issues of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems e.g. back pain, sports injuries.
4) What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal Medicine is made using different natural sources as an alternative to perspective medicine. using a plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Herbalism has a long tradition of use outside of conventional medicine, Herbal Medicine involves balancing the body’s vital energy, the belief is that it can treat anything.
What is the treatment process using Herbal Medicine?
Herbal remedies are made from plant materials that are used to treat disease and help maintain good health. A herbal practitioner may prescribe herbal remedy that is made up of different herbs to fit the individual’s needs and based on their characteristics. The remedy may come in syrups, capsules, creams or a blend of herbal extracts in an alcohol/water, you can also come across herbal medications in a form of tea or juice.
When would you use Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions such as asthma, eczema, migraines, cancer and many more. Herbal Medicine provides non-addictive products to trigger the body’s’ natural response by plucking the brain effectors to produce a desired response without being toxic. Herbal Medicine can be used to treat the same problems as when using pharmaceutical products but natural work best with less side effects, they provide not only a relief of symptoms, but a general feeling of overall good health.
5) What is Yoga?
Yoga is a known generic term for physical, mental and spiritual disciplines which originated in ancient India. Yoga is about integrating body, mind and spirit for these three to be integrated, emotion, action, and intelligence must be in balance, the way to achieve and maintain this balance is through exercise, breathing, and Meditation.
What is the treatment process for Yoga?
The physical postures, exercise and Meditation are all used to alleviate health problems. Yoga and yoga postures are beneficial as they bring a harmonious balance within your system. A state of total well-being is not just a healthy body, but a healthy mind and spirit too. Yoga works in all of these areas. The Yoga theory says that ailments is the way of body’s calling for attention and more care. Yoga and yoga postures provide simple and practical solutions to all the daily problems
When would you use Yoga?
Yoga can be a way of reducing stress, making the spine supple, managing anxiety, reducing back pain it can also help with asthma and blood pressure problems. Exercising Yoga results in massaging the organs and improving their functionality. Yoga heals various chronic illnesses and improves the body’s immunity. Yoga makes people more contented and happy. Overall the body feels healthier and more energetic. It is less prone to diseases and effects of stress.
6) What is an Art Therapy?
Art Therapy can focus on dealing with the art-making process as therapeutic or psychotherapeutic transference process between the therapist and the client who makes art. Art therapy is the expression of thoughts and feelings through the creative process of art. The therapist interprets the client’s symbolic self-expression, as communicated in the art and elicits interpretation from the client. The tenets of art therapy involve humanism, creativity, reconciling emotional conflicts and fostering self-awareness.
What is the treatment process for Art Therapy?
The treatment process involves simple drawings, paintings and collages which are all a part of therapeutic activity. There has to be a sense of safety for the Art-Therapy-Process or play to happen. The person must be free from judgment when taking part in Art Therapy. The Art-Therapy-Process works because the simplicity of merely picking up a paintbrush or crayon can bring up feelings from childhood, because many people have not allowed themselves the freedom to play or engage in any type of art since they were very young.
When would you use Art Therapy?
Art Therapy can be used to treat and solve any problem at all, e.g. stress, headaches, back pain, emotional problem and it also helps to keep you calm. People under lots of stress or pressure may use art as therapy. Someone who has mental health problems or has learning disabilities or difficulties, children or young adults having problems in school, kids, teenagers, or adults with personal problems can benefit from using art therapy also people with more serious issues can make use of art therapy e.g. people with autism, brain injuries, eating disorders, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorders, depression and many more