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Divine Spark

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Divine Spark is having ownership or having the mindset that’s there is a God. also having a connection with him. In this excerpt the Divine Spark that Chamberlain described by saying “you looked in the eye and there was a man. There was a Divine spark as mother used to say. That was all there was to it.. All there is to it. ” DMne Spark was being used to define the idea that every human has a soul and that every one has a spirit that is equal and connected to God without discrimination. But what does it mean to be a human?

A human is not Just a white man. In the reading chamberlain said ” I tried to point out that a man Is not a horse, and he replied, very patiently, that that was the thing I did not understand, that a Negro was not a man. ” Basically he was saying that black men were not human, and they were slaves who were made to be controlled and treated like animals. A human is someone who has the nature as a person, a living being. Every person is equal and has equal rights. It’s not about which race Is better or has a better way of living.

Being a human means to have a social aspect but also to have as much knowledge and intelligence that you can gain. Not every black man is better than every white man and not every white man Is better than every black man. Everyone has their own spirit, soul and energy but that shouldnt give it any reason to make anyone not equal because everyone has the same rights and everyone also has the amendments. Everyone Is equal in every way and we are all “human” enough to know that. In todays world a great example of “divine spark” is Barack Obama Healthcare Plan and the way it has been set up.

The way President Obama has set up the Health Plan for the middle class. Republicans disagree with Obama care, but Just because heir rich have more money doesn’t mean that poor shouldn’t be able to get healthcare or get help. Basically I’m saying that everyone has that equal right. What If someone is deathly ill and they didnt have health insurance? What are they to do and how would the pay for the bill? Everyone should be able to have insurance no matter if you’re rich or poor. Everyone is equal and entitled to have a say so in the “divine spark” set forth in their life.

No matter if you’re black, white, green or even purple we’re all human and are somehow connected spiritually to our destiny and the divine spark that makes us all equal. Chamberlain and Kilrain had their disagreements but I agreed with Chamberlain more because as he said In the excerpt “But your freed black will turn out no better than many the white that’s fighting to free him. He was saying that no black man is better than a white man because we are all fighting for the same thing. Civil War Essay By mook63 having the mindset that’s there is a God, also having a connection with him.

In this there was to it.. All there is to it. ” Divine Spark was being used to define the idea that reading Chamberlain said ” I tried to point out that a man is not a horse, and he as equal rights. It’s not about which race is better or has a better way of living. an and not every white man is better than every black man. Everyone has their own spirit, soul and energy but that shouldn’t give it any reason to make anyone not equal Everyone is equal in every way and we are all “human” enough to know that. healthcare or get help. Basically I’m saying that everyone has that equal right.

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