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The Vampire Diaries

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* Think of a story that can be retold in a poem. Write three or four opening lines and your explanation. * The Good Vampire Stefan All emotions and memories kept in his diary, Stefan Salvatore thought he was the way he shouldn’t be. For hundred years he felt nothing but pain, guilt and suffering, Went back to Mystic Falls, his home, for a new beginning. This four opening lines I made Is Inspired by the book (and now a hit TV series) The Vampire Diaries. It is a story about supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers, and witches.

I love each character but Stefan Salvatore, one of the leading men, who was turned Into a vampire by an ex-lover, Is my favorite. HIS personality Is Just so warm and humane plus, he’s hot! He never wanted to become a vampire back then and because he needed blood to survive, he had to kill Innocent people. He had been to many, different places and he rote every memory he had and emotion he felt In his diary (so you can Just Imagine how many his diaries are’).

A lot of years later, he decided to fight the urge and feed on animals’ blood instead. This was a very hard thing to do for a vampire and he spent thirty years trying, but he managed. Now, the new life of this “non-human- blood-sucking-vampire” starts in his home again, the town of Mystic Falls, where this new wonderful girl enters the picture and new extraordinary memories are just about to happens.

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