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Admission Essay Samples

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Reading a sample admissions essay is a great way to learn how to write your own. Excellent sample admissions essays can be used as guidelines when you start writing your own. Read the article to know what are the elements found in notable sample essays. You can visit SAS for more information.

Motivation on sample admission essays

What makes you tick? Why have you made the decisions you have made? What energizes and inspires you? And perhaps, why do you want to go into your chosen field?

The questions above should be answered in your personal statement. Your motivations will reveal if you are truly fitting to be on the school where you are applying to. When you talk about your motivation, it is best that you make your passion evident.

Perspiration in essays

When in the past have you sweated to achieve? When have you dedicated yourself to a cause or goal? When have you worked hard, investing time and effort, to impact and contribute? What did your hard work achieve?

You also have to emphasize your accomplishments and efforts that paid off. In this way, the admissions panel will see that you are a person who is active and who is equipped with the skills and knowledge to survive the journey ahead.

Aspirations in essay samples

Where are you headed? What are your goals and what do you aspire to do immediately after you complete your degree? And more importantly, why are you interested in this school’s program?

It is best that you show that you are a person with clear goals and dreams. You can talk about how you see yourself several years from now in your essay.

Possible contribution on sample essays

It is also important that you mention the contributions you can give to the school and the community if you were given the chance to study in that specific institution. This site shares interesting insights.

What will you contribute to the medical school community?

You need to ask this question and provide a clear answer in your essay. Make sure that you answer it with sincerity.

Be warned, however, that you might encounter the danger of plagiarizing the works of others. This is why you need to use your own voice and talk about your own experiences when writing your personal statement to avoid plagiarizing other people’s works. Again, you can include your motivation, perspiration, aspirations, and possible contribution to society if you want to write an essay that is as notable as the sample essays you read online.

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