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Importance of Motivation for Education

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Motivation is one of those attributes that is different for everyone and there is no easy answer for people who struggle to find it. There are many occasions when it is difficult to keep ploughing through an issue, a work task or a study assignment, to use a few examples. Many things appear to distract the unwary along the path, and telling the person that they need to “get motivated” is of no help at all. If they were motivated, they would not need any admonishing.

Studying online with the Training Institute of Queensland has many advantages and benefits that are well researched and documented. The main disadvantage is the lack of opportunity to interact with other students face to face. Bouncing ideas around regarding an assessment task or reviewing the last lecture with a group during a break can crystallise a concept that was previously fuzzy.

It is useful then, to review some well-known and successful techniques for staying motivated. When the course is one of the best business courses Brisbane in the higher levels of the national qualifications framework, from Associate Diploma up to Degree level, there are long-time frames involved, and it is sometimes very difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel. However, with some understanding of triggers that motivate, course participants may find a couple of gems that they can put in their own personal arsenal.

First Things First – Start with the Basics

When the course starts, set some short and long-term goals and develop realistic expectations of yourself. Measuring progress against the local genius is unfair and will demotivate most people faster than anything else. Make of list of the reasons why this course is important and put it somewhere very visible. Write it in the present tense and it will be a personal affirmation that sinks into the subconscious every time it is viewed. Many students make these into screen savers so they see them every time they use a computer or tablet.

Make a commitment to work on an assignment at a specific time and date, and put it into Outlook. If the assignment is a large one, break it down into smaller parts with timeframes for completion and mark them off as they are done. Before you know it, the whole assignment will be finished. Most importantly, ask for help if you reach a sticking point. Nothing demotivates faster than marking time. The staff at the Training Institute of Queensland are waiting to help and get great pleasure out of communicating with their students on points of learning.

Get Control of Personal Doubts

Work on minimising self-defeating behaviours like procrastination, low confidence and trying to achieve a perfect result. Learn to change your behaviour to accommodate what you are trying to achieve, and celebrate small successes and achievements. These build on each other until, before you know it, they have accumulated into a full semester academic record. Recognise negative self-talk and convert it into positive affirmations.

Staying motivated when physically distanced from the learning institution and fellow students can be an issue for people studying online. Tap into your own personal support network of friends, family and work colleagues and use all the resources that the Institute provides to generate communication between trainer and student.

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