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Brochures as a Tool of Business Promotion

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Brochures are used by companies and businesses to promote their products, services. An attractive brochure design can be very useful and versatile tool of marketing because it allows enough space where you can convey your message. Large companies and businesses use services of professional graphic designers to design their brochures but small business owners usually create their own brochures and don’t know how to begin. Below we will guide you on how to design your own brochure.

Define your target audience: Before you start to design               brochure you need to decide who your target audience are, think about the audience you want to reach and this will help you write contents that will grab attention your target audience. Imagine what motivates your audience and use contents that appeal to your audience.

Front or cover design: The most important part of brochure is cover design or front design. It should immediately catch attention of your target readers and present your exclusive offer. A good cover design motivates the visitor to learn more about offer. It is essential to integrate eye-catching images and bold lines. Presenting a unique offer on your brochure cover design not only attract the readers to learn more about your product or services but also make your company’s image better than your competition.

Informative headlines and subheads: Most people when they look at the brochure they skip details and read only headlines and subheads to gather the information they need. That’s why headlines and subhead should contain clear and concise information you want your audience to read. Brochure headlines and subhead should contain enough information to convey your message even if readers don’t read complete body copy.

Sale copy: Sales copy on your brochure design should focus your target audience and should explain how your target audience can be benefited. Use the language that is easy to understand and deliver your offer in a way that connects your audience with you.

High qualities photos: The easiest way to incorporate high quality photos on your brochure is to buy professional quality photos from royalty free stock photo providers. If you are using photos of your own make sure they are high resolution photos 300 dpi. It is recommended to use services of professional photographer for your company photos.

Brochure folding options: Folding options may include bi fold, tri fold, z-fold. Content and photos of your brochure design determine the folding option and paper size.

Fonts: Fonts on your brochure design should be easy to read. Use different font style of single font family for best results. Brochure design professionals usually use one font style for heading, 2nd font style of same font family for body copy and 3rd font style for captions.

Captions: Make sure captions are compelling and motivational because people usually use captions. Keep captions simple.

Have a clear call to action: A call to action is an action that you want your target audience to take when they read your brochure. For example, if you want your audience to buy, say “Buy Now”. If you want your audience, you may want them “Call for an appointment” or “visit your website”. So you should state your call to action very clear on your brochure design.

Using services of professional brochure designer is the best way to design brochure as per your requirements because brochure design professionals already have designed a lot of brochures and have already learn a lot from past experiences, so they can come up with best brochure design from both designing and printing point of view. If you are looking for the services of professional brochure designer to design you a high quality custom brochure as per your requirements, feel free to contact us.

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