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Why I Love Thanksgiving

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Spring is one of my most favorite seasons because there are so many celebrations to celebrate. This means that there is always a lot of food to eat. YUMMY. One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving because of the traditional food my family cooks every year. My favorite side dish is sweet potato pie, nom nom nom. Without question, I always end up with a food coma after eating and it is something I do not enjoy very much.

I always know when it is time to eat on Thanksgiving because when everything is ready and set in place on the dining table. Each dish takes up a good amount of time and steps before it is ready to be served. My favorite dish for thanksgiving is sweet potato pies because it can go with everything and it is not very time consuming compared to the other dishes. The first thing my mom does is to boil one pound of sweet potatoes for 40 to 50 minutes in a pot. Burble, burble, burble. Afterwards, she runs cold water over the sweet potato to cool it off. The pot makes a sssssssssssss sound because of the cold water. The sweet potato needs to cool off so she can peel the skin. Thereafter, my mom places the sweet potato on an enormous bowl to break apart. The last part is my favorite because I get to help place the butter and the spices that go in the sweet potato. Also, she lets me help holding the mixer to mix everything. In the end, my mom places the mixed sweet potato on a baking dish and she puts it inside the oven for 50 minutes until it is done.

Sweet potato pies are so easy to eat because they are so delicious. Eating is probably the easiest part of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, I have to endure a food coma afterwards. Last year, my food coma was in full charge after feasting. I was in the dining room with all of my family with my second plate when my stomach started getting really big. I had to unbutton my jeans because my stomach could not handle all of the food I was eating. My family started laughing so hard. Ahahahahhahaha. I could not help but laugh with them. After, my embarrassing moment with my jeans I wanted to sit down in the family room. Next thing you know…I started tilting my head like a sleepy puppy. BAM. My head hits the pillow on the sofa and I was dozing off. Zzzzzzzzzzz. This is why food comas are not my favorite because it always puts me to sleep.

All in all, Thanksgiving is a great holiday because I get to spend time with my family feasting on our traditional foods. Additionally, I get to eat my favorite dish durng this time of the year which is my sweet potato pie. However, the food coma is my least favorite part.

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