Birthday Essays

Have you ever received a gift from someone? During your birthday, Christmas or any other special occasion? I bet everyone has. Back when I was younger, I used to receive a lot of gifts from my relatives on my birthday, what I will immediately do is unwrap them and find …
In three short paragraphs, Katherine Brush has managed to produce a brilliant gem of a short – very short, in fact – story. “The Birthday Party” tells of a couple, “unmistakably married (Brush 2),” and the disastrous surprise that marked the husband’s birthday. The wife, “fadingly pretty, in a …
Happy Birthday to the most special person in my life! May the most you wish for be the least you get. Hope you have a birthday that’s as special as you are! Are you ready to party?! You are such a special blessing to me and I wish you a …
In the short story by Katharine Brush, her purpose is to make the readers feel sympathetic to the women. Brushes use of point of view and attention to detail to convey the purpose of the short story. Brush uses a person sitting in the restaurant to get the point to …
In studying Jonathan Swift’s poetry, I have been instantly drawn to his series of Stella’s Birthday poems, one of which was written every year from 1719 until the death of their subject, and in this essay I will be examining how Swift has represented women and femininity in these poems, …
My 22nd birthday has arrived and while it is completely insignificant compared to last year I have been looking forward to it just as much. I have a birthday tradition that keeps me anticipating September 18th every year and I think that it is such a good idea that I …
The memorable event for me is about my grandfather’s mother’s 92th birthday which was in the Lantern Festival ten years ago. As 92 is an important age for everyone, my parents spent three days preparing for this big day. On the day of her birthday, we booked a Chinese dinner …
When the idea of a birthday party comes to mind, it usually associates feelings of a joyous and lavish celebration shared with family and close friends. Contrasting toward that idea, Katharine Brush in “Birthday Party” portrays how joyless a marriage can be when the two companions are bound to the …
From as long as I knew my legal abilities, I could never wait until the day I finally turned eighteen. I couldn’t possibly fathom how I would fit all of the things I wanted to do in one day. I could play the lottery. I could go buy some cigarettes. …
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