Vacation Essays

How are you? I hope you’re in the pink of health. It’s been a pretty long time since I last write you a letter. I do have the guts to do so but my time was always packed with homeworks and school activities. Do you know that last month was …
The monkey is a small, lively, intelligent mammal. There are nearly two hundred kinds of monkeys, most of which live in the warm parts of the world. Unlike many other animals, monkeys can see both in depth and in color. So, have you ever wondered what certain monkeys look like, …
Thanks a lot for the information you’ve sent me in your last letter. I am sure that you’re very curious to know how I spent my vacation. This summer, I went to Dubai along with my family. It was a weeklong holiday. We took the Emirates airlines to reach our …
Going on family vacations is a great way to spend quality time with the ones you love. Although it can be very stressful trying to please everybody, I ‘ve found that making a schedule of things to do each day is the way to go. The most important thing to …
Going over to my Uncle’s home is something that my whole family looks forward to every summer. Unlike other American families, ours do not spend the whole day sitting outside under the scorching heat of the sun barbecuing meat which heaven knows could give us cancer. Instead, the whole family, …
General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, my audience should be able to plan the perfect vacation. Introduction: I. (AGD): Imagine yourself, on a beautiful island in the middle of the turquoise blue ocean with your significant other, soaking up the glorious sun rays getting …
My favorite place to vacation is Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. It is a place I visit at least once a year. My first visit was a vacation as couple. It took us about six hours to drive there. The drive wasn’t bad, we did a lot of sit seeing and the …
Many people take vacations to get away from the everyday routine. When taking a vacation, people never plan for what could go wrong. I had taken a vacation to the Philippines that turned out to be a nightmare. The vacation started off bad before the trip even begun and continued …
Since my husband and I got married in May of 2010, we did not have a honeymoon or a vacation. So my husband Ryan and I came to a decision that we are going to take this opportunity and spend lavishes on a combo vacation. This trip was once in …
It was in the midst of October when we had our semestral break. It was around October 22-28, 2012. My thoughts were filled of joyous and momentous events, fun and enjoyable activities, more of sleeping late, more of waking up late, lots of free time, assignments-free, chores-free, more of just …
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