Underscore and Compare Contrast Thesis

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Order Now1 When writing a compare and contrast thesis statement, read the assignment sheet, and make sure to follow the professor’s instructions. Each professor usually has his or her own idiosyncrasies, so underline everything the professor expects you to include in the thesis. While writing the thesis, refer back to the underlined notes.
To write a compare and contrast thesis, make a list of similarities and differences between the texts, ideas, or events. Â Sponsored Links
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Narrow down similarities and differences to specific ideas to avoid writing a compare and contrast thesis that is too broad. For example the compare contrast thesis, The media depict people in different roles compared to the realities of the general population, is too general.
One way to start a compare and contrast thesis is by using words like whereas, while, even though, and although to suggest a contrasting element will follow. For example: Although the media depict most women as housewives and stay-at-home mothers, in reality many women work full time and put their children in daycare.
Make sure the thesis for a compare and contrast essay compares and contrasts two or more ideas. One of the most common basic ways to write a thesis statement for a compare contrast essay is as follows: While “first author’s name” story “first author’s story title,” underscores themes of “A,” “B,” and “C” and “second author’s name” story, “second author’s title” reveals themes of “D,” “E,” and “F,” it is apparent by juxtaposing these two texts that (make statement about what readers learn by comparing and contrasting the two texts in the context of their themes).
For example, write a compare and contrast thesis as follows; While Jane Austin’s novel “Pride and Prejudice” underscores themes of pride, prejudice and women and marriage, and Mary Shelly’s story “Frankenstein” reveals themes of madness, the
sublime, and justice, it is apparent by juxtaposing these two novels that most women during the early nineteenth century felt trapped in a patriarchal society that restricted the roles of women, especially in marriage.
Keep in mind it is also possible to compare contrast fewer ideas and concepts. For example: While Morrisons novel underscores the theme of self-loathing by the main characters, Faulkner’s story elucidates the theme of patriarchal supremacy.
For texts or ideas that have mostly similar meanings, use the following basic compare contrast thesis: Whereas “author’s names” in “names of both works” both use similar themes of “A” and “B to underscore the meaning of “C,” each author also uses themes such as “D” and “E” to augment the ideas of “F.”
For example, here is a suggested compare and contrast thesis: While both Toni Morrison in “The Bluest Eye” and William Faulkner in “Light in August” use themes of racism and oppression to underscore the effects of post-slavery America, the different settings and eras in each novel suggest that oppression and inequality had changed very little in the United States from Faulkner’s post civil war years to Morrison’s civil rights’ era one hundred years later.
While many professors suggest using themes to compare and contrast ideas, it’s also important to be familiar with other literary devices for compare and contrast essays. Use a variety of rhetorical devices such as allegory, characterization, climax, symbolism, foreshadowing, figurative language, simile, imagery, irony, metaphor, motifs, personification, tone, and others to write a thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay.