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The Mystery of Disappearing Oil

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The student should have basic understanding & knowledge about management, internal controls and analysis of the financial statements. The students must critically evaluate and analyse the financial statements and other aspects of a petrol pump business.

Case Activity/Questions

The case activity is reach enough for a role play approach. Student divided into respective groups, with one group assuming the role of Mat Jon and his wife and the other group, assuming the role of Robert Leung. Then each group has to convince the other party to buy/sell the business to respond to the case questions as follows. The role played by each group has been assigned by the Lecturer. Therefore all groups prepare for role play. (3 groups on one side and another 3 groups on the other side) which group

Mystery Of Disappearing Oil
Role Play
Role of
Mat Jon
Role of
Robert Leung
60 minutes + submitted report
Suppose Mat Jon and Puan Asmah opts to sell off the business to Robert. Assume the role of Mat Jon and explicitly describe the strengths of the business to convince Robert Leong to buy despite the weak financial position.

Assume the role of Robert Leung. What additional items of information would you request from Mat Jon to be able to make an informed decision on whether or not you should buy the business?

Prepare a report
40 minutes presentation + submitted report
Assume the role of Fuad, the accountant. What changes, if any, would you recommend, in the management of the petrol station, to Mat Jon? Why? Be as explicit as possible.

These activities/tasks are to be carried out as a group work base on the group that has been assigned to individual student. Each group are required to answer all the following questions as part of the case question activities/tasks and submit a report base on the case questions.

Case questions
1. Describe four problems faced by the Spetrol outlet. Based on these four problems, define the major dilemma faced by Mat Jon.

2. Now, assume that Mat Jon and wife decide not to let go of the business. Construct a detailed action plan for Mat Jon to turn around the business. Briefly justify your action plan.

Report Submission
Date: 19 May 2015

Marking criteria for Role Play
1. Organization (25%)

Audience cannot understand presentation because its lacks coherence Audience have difficulty following the presentation because its lacks coherence Students present information in logical sequence that Audience can follow Students present information in logical, interesting sequence that Audience can follow

2. Subject Knowledge (25%)

Students do not have grasp of the information; student cannot ask/answer questions about subject Students are uncomfortable with the information and is able to ask/answer only rudimentary questions Students are at ease with asking/answering questions, but fail to elaborate Students demonstrate full knowledge (more than required) by asking & answering questions with explanations & elaborations

3. Prop setting
Did not use of prop setting
Able to create appropriate prop setting
Able to create clear, relevant prop setting
Able to create clear, relevant and effective prop setting

4. Elocution (25%)

Student mumble incorrectly pronounce terms and speak inaudibly Student voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounce terms. Audience members have difficulty in hearing the presentation Student voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear the presentation

Student uses clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear the presentation

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