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The Evolution of Fashion in the Philippines

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As you know, the Philippines had undergone a lot in the past generations. It was conquered by the Spaniards, Americans and Japanese. The researcher wants to know how these invasions influenced the fashion trend of the Filipinos during those times. She also wants to know the post-effects of those periods on Filipinos’ taste about fashion.

The researcher also loves fashion. For her, clothes are not just used to cover up her body; she believes dressing up is a form of art. Combining her curiosity and her love for fashion, the researcher came up with this study.


Filipinos exhibit colonial mentality. Their taste and preferences about fashion, music or even education had changed through some invasions in the Philippines. They think foreign products are always better than the locally made ones. This study shows how creative the Filipinos are by changing the fashion trend every now and then. This study encourages Filipinos to embrace their own culture, particularly in the field of fashion. This research also proves that Filipino fashion can compete with fashion in other countries. Locally made products can be famous worldwide, and Filipinos should not depend on foreign countries’ standards. This study is also important because Filipinos should learn the Philippines’ history and culture to understand the present happenings in the country and for them to know how to deal with these situations. This research also proves that Filipinos are very talented, artistic and skillful in any field especially in arts. With this study, aspiring Filipino designers can get some ideas that they can use to sketch new designs that can be well-known internationally. Aspiring Filipino designers can also get some inspiration from this study.


Philippine fashion evolved through different periods like the pre-colonial period, Spanish period, American period, Japanese period and modern period.


This study aims to:
a. tackle the changes Philippine fashion had undergone through the years, b. provide information about the Philippines’ culture, arts and history; and c. show how the past colonizers affect the Philippine fashion.

The source The History of Filipino Fashion by Melanie Mayne discusses that Philippine Fashion was acknowledged in 1500s, but it was just recognized in United States and Europe in 1800s. Spaniards exported delicate native fabrics and designs made only in the Philippines when they colonized the country. Filipino imports lost popularity over time, but the materials have recently made a comeback with the popularity of organic fabrics. The history of Filipino fashion is made up of the mixing of cultures and the intentional separation of social classes. Filipinos wear light and comfortable clothes because of the Philippines’ tropical climate. Before the colonizers came, Filipinos wore loin cloths and vests while Filipinas wrapped their bodies in soft cloth. They base the colors of their clothes on their social status. In the Spanish invasion, the well-known “Baro’t Saya” came into life while in the American period; men wore “Americana” while women wore the “Maria Clara gown.” (M. Mayne, n.d)

It is important for my study because it shows how Philippine Fashion originated and how the Filipinos dressed up in the past. It shows the way they dressed up before the colonizers came, the way they dressed up in the Spanish invasion and the way they dressed up during the American period.

The source Fashion Beyond Time by Lizitte Magallones discusses that in the old days, Filipinas were still conservative. They hide their skin with their long dresses and sleeves. However, the 21st century has brought many changes to the Philippine fashion. The dresses and skirts have become shorter. The blouses have no more sleeves and some even have backless designs. The fashion of the Filipinos tends to be influence by the Western people. It is also noticeable that 80’s and 90’s fashion are back this year but with a twist. Bright colors and curly hair are also in this year. (L. Magallones, 2011)

This source is important for my study because it shows the difference of the way the Filipinos dress up in the past and in the present.

The source RyansWorld: Fashion Trends of the 2030s discusses that future years to come will yield to a major transformation in men’s fashion due to the change of cultural views of masculinity. Due to negative cultural view of teenagers, there is no fear of looking like teenagers as they are considered adults, and everybody will look like their twenties. Fashion trends that became popular in 2000s, 1980s and 1990s will make a comeback. These includes clothes that have flowing electricity, glowing eyes and other cool effects that people will opt for over the dull styles embodied throughout history. (RyansWorld: Fashion Trends of the 2030s, n.d)

This source helps my study because it shows how the fashion will evolve in the future and how it is relevant with the past trends.


Magallones, L. (2011). Fashion Beyond Time. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from http://fashiobeyondtime.blogspot.com/2011/02/evolution-of-philippine-fashion.html

Mayne, M. (n.d). The History of Filipino Fashion. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from http://www.ehow.com/info_10056221_history-filipino- fashion.html

RyansWorld: Fashion Trends of the 2030s, (n.d). Retrieved February 18, 2013, from http://future.wikia.com/wiki/RyansWorld:_Fashion_Trends_of_the_2030s

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