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The Canadian Authors Meet

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 309
  • Category: Poems

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            The poem entitled “The Canadian Authors Meet” is about the happenings within the big gathering of Canadian authors. The narrator discussed the situation and the ambiance of the place as well as the topics of the authors as they communicate to one another. He also illustrates the emotions of the people in the event – their success, joy, and respect to their country. The narrator is also one of the authors of the gathering that is why through him, we could be able to imagine the situation and life of the event as he unravels the happenings.

            Based on my understanding, the poem is easy to comprehend because the use of words is simple yet attackable to me as a reader. It can be said as a prose because the author used to describe the situation of the event that is happening. The title of the poem was just a simple title with no significant meaning for me for it was just an illustration or justification of the whole poem without any deeper meaning or essence within.

            My favorite passage in the poem is the third stanza – The cakes are sweet, but sweeter is the feeling / That one is mixing with the literati; / It warms the old, and melts the most congealing. / Really, it is a most delightful party. For me it is the climax of the poem where all the emotions and life of the event merged into one. This part shows the sweetness as well as bitterness of the authors’ lifetime as they discuss their works and topics with their co-authors. In this part, I felt the situation and become part of this big event that can be done once in a lifetime.

Work Cited

Scott, F.R. The Canadian Authors Meet. p.99

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