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The academic performance of university students

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The researchers know that adolescence is a time of transformation in many areas of an individual’s life. Adolescence start as early as 11 years old and in the midst of these rapid physical, emotional, and social changes, youth begin to question adult standards and the need for parental guidance. It is a time for individuals to make important decisions about their commitment to academics, family, and perhaps friends. For any educational institute students are the most important asset.

The students’ academic performance plays a vital role in creating the ? nest quality who will become leader and manpower of the future generation, consequently responsible for its social and economic development. The academic performance of the students has gained signi? cant attention as year pass. Performance of students is affected by psychological, economic, social, personal and environmental factors mostly for their relationship with their parents and friends that sometimes causes them various stress and depression.

Academic achievement is a key determinant of future educational and occupational success. Friends may help to maintain and exacerbate inequality if friends are sorted on the basis of academic achievement, and also family is considered one of the most influential components of a child’s academic achievement due to the fact that the family is the first source of informal education for a child (Sumari, Hussin, & Siraj, 2010).

Friends play an important role in the educational process. They provide support and resources and can both encourage and discourage academic achievement. Moreover, parenting styles, discipline techniques, involvement with their children, and the home environment have been shown to affect a child’s ability to academically achieve (Sumari, Hussin & Siraj, 2010) parental involvement is best understood as taking multiple forms.

On the other hand, parental involvement appears to be different based on the context of home vs. in school (Giallo, Treyvaud, Matthews, & Kienhuis, 2010). Teachers, parents, and peers all provide adolescents with suggestions and feedback about what they should think and how they should behave in social situations. These role models can be a source of motivation or the other way around.

AUTHORITATIVE- Have high expectations for achievement and maturity, but they also warm and responsive.
DEMOCRATIVE- These parents sets rules and enforce boundaries by having open discussion and using reasoning
PERMISSIVE- Sets very few rules and boundaries and they are reluctant to enforce rules.
AUTHORITATIVE- Have high expectations for achievement and maturity, but they also warm and responsive.
DEMOCRATIVE- These parents sets rules and enforce boundaries by having open discussion and using reasoning
PERMISSIVE- Sets very few rules and boundaries and they are reluctant to enforce rules.
MUST FRIEND- A best friend, a member of your inner circle, a person you count on when something big happens in your life.
TRUST FRIEND- A friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you’re always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle
RUST FRIEND- A person you’ve known for a long, long time
JUST FRIENDS- a person who is enjoyable company.
MUST FRIEND- A best friend, a member of your inner circle, a person you count on when something big happens in your life.
TRUST FRIEND- A friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you’re always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle
RUST FRIEND- A person you’ve known for a long, long time
JUST FRIENDS- a person who is enjoyable company.
The parenting styles can affect on how you will choose your friends and it will affect the student’s academic achievement. In line with this, the parenting styles CITATION Bau l 1033 (Baumrind, n.d.)and type of friends CITATION Rub17 l 1033 (Rubin, 2013) are the independent variables and self-esteem is the dependent variable.
The parenting styles can affect on how you will choose your friends and it will affect the student’s academic achievement. In line with this, the parenting styles CITATION Bau l 1033 (Baumrind, n.d.)and type of friends CITATION Rub17 l 1033 (Rubin, 2013) are the independent variables and self-esteem is the dependent variable.

A person’s upbringing has a profound influence on how they see the world and how they process information (Bowman, 2008). The relationship between a parent, a friend and the child are reflexive to the child’s future.
However, there are studies that shows how both can contribute to the higher success of their academics. This means that parenting and peer influence can have an impact to the development of the students. In line with this there are many factors why students don’t excel academically.
In response to this problem, the following research questions were formulated:
How parents affect the students academically?
How friends affect the students academically?
How does parenting style affects on the academic performance of adolescents in secondary schools?


Based from the research questions mentioned above the following hypotheses were formulated
Parents can affect students positively by giving some tips on how they will overcome problems in life that may affect the academics by teaching techniques that can help students academically. However, parents can also affect students negatively by the parenting styles that may lead students to become rebellious and can lead the students not to go to school, failing marks, or badly to be involved to a fraternity, street fights and gang war.

Being in a group of friends will give positive and negative sides, there are several ways in which friends or peer groups influence their friends’ academic performance. The positive effect of friends will be seen If the students notices that friends caring about school and earning good grades, it will influence the students to push themselves harder academically in order to keep up with that friends and also for him to feel that he is fit in that group. Or, if a student achieving average grades suddenly starts to like an honor roll student, grades may improve drastically to make sure to give a good shot to that person he likes.

It is important for students to feel like equals among their peers and be accepted socially. However, the negative effect is when a student associates with a crowd that does not have high scores or high level of importance, that student is most likely going to slack off in order to fit in. Some students who are in fact very bright will deliberately perform poorly just so it does not seem like they are outperforming their peers that person will choose to let go of his academic skills just to fit on that group that is a bad influence to him.

In these types of situations, students may never reach their full potential and will refuse to commit to their studies, just so their friends can accept them. Parenting styles greatly affects the behavior of a student especially on self-efficacy, self-esteem, and identity development, which are associated with academic achievement (Brown & Iyengar, 2008). Moreover, the progress in children’s achievement is influenced by the decision that is made by both parents and their children to cooperate or confront each other.

In addition, children’s academic motivation and behavior are directly influenced by their parents’ behavior, which are seen as the external factor. For instance, there is a positive outcome for both parents and children when parents interact in a fun and loving way during children’s homework time (Morawska, 2007). Conversely, when parents are neglectful, academic disengagement and problem behavior are generated (Brown & Iyengar, 2008). This causes a huge impact on the students’ behavior. Significance of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examine the influence of family and friends on a student’s academic achievement. The students will have a knowledge and understanding about the different situations that they might encounter that can affect their academic performance. The parents will also benefit from this study, since they will be aware of the things or situations in their house that can affect their children’s academic performance. Friends will also profit in this study since peer group influence, is a powerful force for both social and academical development.

Scope and Delimitations

Determining the impacts of parents and peer group on a students’ academic performance was the focus of this research. The information needed will be gathered using an open-ended type of questionnaire. All information and conclusions drawn from this study will be obtained only to this particular group of students. This study is limited only to the Junior High School students and Senior High School students of Ina ng Buhay Catholic School during the Academic year 2017-2018.

Definition of Terms

Peer group: are children or adolescents who are of the same age or maturity, level and have regular contact with each other.

Peer influence: peer influence can be described as the pressure adolescents feel from their peers.
Adolescence: refers to the transitory period where a child moves to adulthood. The adolescent years fall within 12-18 years.

Academic performance: refers to the intellectual ability of an individual when it comes to academic or education.
Upbringing: refers to a particular way of bringing up a child.

Profound: a deep impact, insight or understanding.

Parenting Style: The overall emotional climate of the parent-child relationship- an affective context of sorts that sets the tone for the parents’ interactions with the child.

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