Technology Case Study

- Pages: 9
- Word count: 2086
- Category: Case Study Mobile Phone Technology
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Technology is a manner of accomplishing a task using technical methods or knowledge, and one of the discoveries through technology is the Cellular Phone. Cellular Phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.
In addition, modern mobile phones (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, e-mail, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming, and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. All mobile phones have a number of features in common, but manufactures also try to differentiate their own products by implementing additional functions to make them more attractive to consumers. To our modern technology, cellular phones allowed re-use of frequencies many times in small adjacent areas covered by relatively low powered transmitters, made widespread adoption of mobile telephones economically feasible.
The advances in mobile telephony can be traced in successive generations from early “OG” services like MTS and its successor Improved Mobile Telephone service, to first generation (1G) analog cellular network, second generation (2G) digital cellular networks, third generation (3G) broadband data services to the current state of the art, fourth generation (4G). Although it gives us convenient way of communication, this would still be given much attention for the pressing problems it caused to the people especially to the students. But its occurrence and severity depends on how people would handle their lives and their choices of taking or not the risk that the cellular telephone could give. We, the researches choose to have this topic to educate and make people aware of this alarming problems facing by the society.
Statement of the Problem
This research paper aims to know what are the effects of using cellular phones among the students of GenSantos Foundation College, Inc. This study is also conducted to answer the following questions: 1. What are the uses of cellphones among students?
2. What are the disadvantages of having cellphones?
3. What are the advantages of having cellphones?
Scope and Delimitation
The study is focused on the effects of using cellphones. To the response of the students of GenSantos Foundation College, Inc., Academic year 2012-2013 that would be of great help on the development of the study. Significance of the Study
This study may provide a great help and benefit to the following persons whose concerns are related to the subject of the study;
Name: Section: Checklist
The Effects of using Cell Phones among the Students
Of GenSantos Foundation College, Inc.
Instruction: Please put a check on the box provided for your preferred choice. 1. Do you have cellphone?
Yes No
2. What is the features/program in cellphone that keeps you using it?
e-book video/camera games
text messages audio Others Specify:(___________)
3. What are the effects of using cellphones to you?
Advantages Always Sometimes Never
For emergency purposes
Capturing current events
Cause of accidents
* Cause of mischief
Laziness and neglecting responsibilities
Distraction in studies
Bad effects in one’s health
4. What can you advice to the students who keep on using cellphones (cellphone maniac)? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. For you, what are the uses of cellular phones?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Checklist
The Effects of using Cell Phones among the Students
Of GenSantos Foundation College, Inc.
Instruction: Please put a check on the box provided for your preferred choice. 1. Do you have cellphone?
Yes No Maybe
2. What is the features/program in cellphone that keeps you using it?
e-book video/camera games
text messages audio Others Specify:___________
3. How often do you use cellphones?
Always Sometimes Never
4. Did your parents allow you to bring cellular phone in school?
Yes No Maybe
Is cellphone a potential source of cheating?
Always Sometimes Never
6. Is cell phone a help in your in your study?
Always Sometimes Never
7. Do cell phone affects your vocabulary and spelling?
Yes No Maybe
8. Do you feel anxious when you are forced to turn off your phone during classes?
Always Sometimes Never
9. Did you use cell phone to have an always-on connection to your social network?
Always Sometimes Never
10. Is it true that we are not aware of our surroundings when we are using cell phones?
Yes No Maybe 11. What can you advice to the students who keep on using cell phones (cell phone maniac)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. For you, what are the uses of cellular phones?
This chapter is an overview of related literature and studies that gives insights to the researches and found relevant to the development of the study.
Manila- the Philippines’ education minister Monday expressed support for a purposed law totally banning mobile telephones in schools nationwide. Education secretary Jesli Lapus said a total ban on mobile phones would help students’ concentrates more at their studies. “We favor the total ban of cellular phones in school, “He said”. It distracts students, especially as they are inclined to play games using their cellular phones”. Lapus said many school in the Philippines already banned the use of mobile phones inside the classrooms, but they still allowed students to bring gadgets inside campuses. The total ban was proposed by Congressman Rufus Rodriguez, who expressed alarm over how students used their mobile phones to cheat during examinations. Rodriguez said there were also reported incidents of students using their cellular phones to place prank calls, including making bomb threats, to trigger early dismissals in schools. According to industry estimates, there are about 50 million mobile phone users in the Philippines, who send some 1 billion text messages every day (Nagpal, 2008).
Synovate, a global market research firm, recently reported that, among 11 countries covered by the survey, Pinoy are the leading users of cellphones features! According to the survey results (with 8,000 global respondents), 87 percent of Filipinos with mobile phones use the phone’s alarm clock vs. the global average of just 67 percent. 63 percent of Filipinos, on the other hand, regularly play games, 48% listen to or download music,44 percent watch video clips on the phone, and 13 percent watch TV ( vs. global average of 5% ). Shared Carol Sarthou, Synovate Philippine’s Managing Director, “It’s part of the national psyche to love social connections, music and entertainment. How the Filipino love affair with the mobile is different compared to developing nations is that, in many cases, a mobile is all people have. It’s the only way they can listen to music, the only way they can play games and the only way they can communicate from afar. Many Filipinos use this instead of the internet and computer and it’s not surprising that it has become such a multipurpose, multi-tasking tool. […] Interestingly, Synovate find out that 47 percent of Filipino respondents think that a cell phone would be harder to replace than a wallet or purse when lost.
Carol Sarthou explained the connection to other people stops when the phone is lost. It’s a storehouse for photos and videos, but most vital are contact details. Filipino seeks constant connection.”( ). MANILA, Philippines – mobile phones are considered a must-have among young Filipinos, with product ownership in the country at 67%, according to a survey recently conducted by global research agency Synovate. One out of 4 of them, it said, can’t live without the said gadget. Christelle, 11, is among the many Filipino youth who can’t seem to let go of their mobile phones. Of the P40 allowance she gets each day, Christelle said she spends P20 on prepaid credit to catch up with her relatives and friends. Carole Ann Sarthou, managing director of Synovate Philippines, said this is not a surprise especially after the country was dubbed as the “texting capital of the world” for its excessive use of short message services (SMS). “ang mga Pinoy kasi sociable at always in touch with friends (Filipinos are very sociable and are always in touch with friends),” Sarthou told ABS-CBN News.
They are not just inseparable from their mobile phones – young Filipinos get in touch with a lot of people, too. The survey showed that a typical Filipino youth has 102 contacts, way above the average of 77. They have the third highest number of contacts on their mobile phones, closely following youth from Singapore (108) and Indonesia (131). Titled 2010 Young Asians Survey, the study examined the habits of youth across Asia. Respondents ranged from 8 to 24 years old across 11 markets including the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, India, Thailand and Vietnam. Last year, a similar study by Synovate showed that young Filipinos liked usingtheir mobile phones to play games, listen to music, watch videos and surf the Internet (Gutierez, 2010). MANILA, June 6 (PNA) – Department of Education (DepEd) Assistant Secretary Teresita Inciong on Thursday reiterated that cellular phones are not allowed to be used during class hours so that students remain focused in their studies and learning distractions are minimized. Inciong cited DepEd Order Numbers 83, series of 2003; 26 series of 2000 and 70 series of 1999, which state that DepEd strictly imposes a ban on the use of cell phones by students during class hours.
“We understand the importance of cell phones in our daily activities, but still we have to set some rules on how to use them especially inside the classroom,” Inciong said. Inciong also stressed that there is no instruction for the teachers or guards to confiscate or surrender to them the students’ cell phones. “What do we do is ask the students to switch off their cell phones during class hours and switch them back on after classes”, Inciong added. The DepEd official pointed out that cell phones can be a valuable tool in research but it should not be done during class hours. The prohibition applies to elementary and secondary schools nationwide. Inciong also enjoins the cooperation of parents in observing the cell phone ban during class hours.
“We know the importance of cell phones in times of emergency or in knowing the whereabouts of our kids that is why the prohibition is only for a limited time,” she explained. The DepEd Order also stated that teachers and parents should devise ways to educate students on he responsible use of cell phones to prevent them from engaging in misguided and improper activities. DepEd noted that cell phones are used to exchange obscene text and lewd picture messages particularly those with multi-media services capabilities. “We cannot stop the advances in technology but we can guide our students on what is proper and what is not,” Inciong said. (PNA) (Talete, 2011). FOREIGN LITERATURE
Addicted to phones? Cell phone use becoming a major problem for some, expert says Filed under Health, Research, Technology on Thursday, January 18, 2007. GAINESVILLE, Fla. — “Turn off your cell phones and pagers.” For most people, heeding these warnings in hospitals or at the movies is as simple as pressing a button. But for a growing number of people across the globe, the idea of being out of touch, even just for a 90-minute movie, is enough to induce anxiety, says a University of Florida psychologist who studies addictions to the Internet and other technologies. Although cellular phones and personal digital assistants such as the BlackBerry were created to make modern life more convenient, they’re actually beginning to interfere in the lives of users who don’t know when to turn them off, says Lisa Merlo, an assistant professor of psychiatry in the UF College of Medicine. “It’s not so much talking on the phone that’s typically the problem although that can have consequences too,” Merlo said. “(It’s) this need to be connected, to know what’s going on and be available to other people. That’s one of the hallmarks of cell phone addiction.” Unlike addictions to alcohol, drugs or even gambling, it can be hard to pinpoint problematic cell phone use.