Networking Essays

A packet sniffer, sometimes referred to as a network monitor or network analyzer, can be used legitimately by a network or system administrator to monitor and troubleshoot network traffic. Using the information captured by the packet sniffer an administrator can identify erroneous packets and use the data to pinpoint bottlenecks …
Facts: Acquisition accelerated Facebook’s ability to bring connectivity and utility to the world; Leading mobile messaging company operated independently and retain its brand; WhatsApp co-founder and CEO Jan Koum to join Facebook Board of Directors. Facebook, MENLO PARK, CALIF, on February 19, 2014, announced that it has …
Matching: a. Ethernet-5 b. Horizontal-7 c. Ring-4 d. 62.5/125 Fiber-8 e. Star-3 f. 800 square feet-11 g. 150 square feet-10 h. Cat6 UTP-9 i. Token Ring-2 j. Bus-1 k. Plenum-12 l. Backbone-6 Master it: You are asked to design a network for a company fully occupying a three-story office building …
Part I Mesh Networking Mesh networking was developed at MIT in order to provide a method of wireless networking that is cheap, easily configurable and has a wide line-of-sight range. One of the first implementations of mesh networking was in Cambridge, MA on the MIT campus. The project was intended …
Social networking communities are here to stay. Facebook has over 500 million users, while Twitter has over 200 million. That’s not even counting blogs or YouTube video blogs. There’s no doubt that students are actively engaged in online communities, but what kind of effects are these sites having and how …
1. Provide an IP addressing plan for the existing campus and the new campus. (70 points) The internal network will use private ip addresses, while the external network will use a public ip addressing scheme. The modems for all sites will use static public ip addresses. This will help to …
Diagram 1. In the following Mika and Myself reviewed the new Asus Crosshair V Formula ZAM3. Due to the relative newness of this motherboard there are several IO connections that are not illustrated in our Diagrams. However as you can see we identified most of all the major IO ports …
Studying the seven layers of the OSI design, a decision to be taken is that the layer three, also referred to as the network layer is the one which WAN protocols operates on. The network layer carries out regular tasks as well as pinpoints end-to-end addressing and routing datagrams (Regan, …
BSS – A set of STAs (the component that connects to the wireless medium such as a network adapter or NIC) that communicates with each other. ESS – An Extended Service Set (ESS) is a set of two or more BSSs that form a single sub network. 1. How the …
1. Draw a diagram of the new network. (10 points) 2. Will the current horizontal cabling suffice for the new network? If it will not, what type of cable should be used for the horizontal cabling? Provide detailed specifications for this cable. (10 points) I believe that it works with …
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